Bug #1105 MySQLCC
Submitted: 20 Aug 2003 4:45 Modified: 16 Nov 2003 16:36
Reporter: Frank Henry Hansen Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Installing Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:0.92 OS:Windows (Windows 2000)
Assigned to: Bugs System CPU Architecture:Any

[20 Aug 2003 4:45] Frank Henry Hansen
I can not install MySQLCC to my Toshiba laptop
I get the message:
 Fatal Error

Installation ended prematurely because of an error

I am running setup as Administrator

The package installs ok on other pc's

How to repeat:
Run setup again.
[28 Aug 2003 12:45] Jorge del Conde

Can you please look at the event log and tell me if you see anything wrong there ?

All the installation does is copy files to the correct place;  No writing to the registry nor registering any dlls is done so this is probably a specific problem with your computer.
[29 Aug 2003 2:20] Frank Henry Hansen
This is what i found in the program log

Hendelsestype:	Informasjon
Hendelseskilde:	MsiInstaller
Hendelseskategori:	Ingen
Hendelses-ID:	11708
Dato:		29.08.2003
Klokkeslett:		09:17:29
Bruker:		I/T
Datamaskin:	FRANK
Product: MySQL Control Center -- Installation operation failed.
[29 Aug 2003 3:39] Frank Henry Hansen
I have solved the problem.
The mysqlcc install file was placed in a shared directory on my machine.
The user that was installing had all rights to the shared directory where the mysqlcc install file was run from. When I moved the file to c:\ directory I could install mysqlcc.
[16 Nov 2003 16:36] MySQL Verification Team
Issue already resolved by the user himself.