Bug #11021 | "Dublicate Entry '#####' for key 1" when it should not occur | ||
Submitted: | 1 Jun 2005 18:09 | Modified: | 14 Nov 2008 16:18 |
Reporter: | Serdar S. Kacar | Email Updates: | |
Status: | Closed | Impact on me: | |
Category: | MySQL Server | Severity: | S4 (Feature request) |
Version: | 3.23 to current | OS: | Windows (Windows XP) |
Assigned to: | CPU Architecture: | Any |
[1 Jun 2005 18:09]
Serdar S. Kacar
[1 Jun 2005 18:21]
Serdar S. Kacar
Compressed version of the 3 files is above 200k file size limit. I can send them on request.
[2 Jun 2005 7:19]
Vasily Kishkin
I could't reproduce this bug. Probably you need to send me your data files. Could you please send that data to my e-mail address ?
[2 Jun 2005 10:01]
Sergei Golubchik
Even better would be to upload the tarball (or zip archive) to ftp://ftp.mysql.com/pub/mysql/upload/ (be sure bug number is clear from the filename, e.g. bug-11021.zip)
[2 Jun 2005 13:16]
Serdar S. Kacar
It is now at ftp://ftp.mysql.com/pub/mysql/upload/bug-11021.rar After pondering on the situation, I guess it is something to do with inproper shutdown in the mid of an insert operation. That explains its seldomness. And the situation might be "by design." Then, may be, setting "on start, auto-check tables after inproper shutdown" parameter -if there is one- is enough.
[3 Jun 2005 6:46]
Aleksey Kishkin
hmm. cannot download it (for verifying). Did you check if index files is OK? it can be done by command check table your_table_name; from mysql console client utility.
[3 Jun 2005 7:57]
Serdar S. Kacar
No, index files are not OK. Errors retuned are - Found key at page 2095104 that points to record outside datafile, and - Currupt. Files are also available on request - bug-11021.rar , 1.28 MB. Send request mail to the following address (clear spaces): sskacar _ d@hotmail.com
[3 Jun 2005 12:32]
Aleksey Kishkin
yes, I found the file you uploaded, thank you..
[21 Jun 2005 14:07]
Serdar S. Kacar
Found that MySQL has already a solution to the problem. Simply, - Locate your My.ini file - Locate [mysqld] section - Insert the following (you can change BACKUP,FORCE options): # Automatically check and repair not properly closed MyISAM tables. myisam_recover=BACKUP,FORCE I wish that was the default configuration. Rarity of the problem makes it easily overlooked. It is better make this submission's severity S4 (Feature Request).
[14 Nov 2008 16:18]
Serdar S. Kacar