I am trying to initialize a new MySQL InnoDB Cluster with a database dump created by MySQL Operator for Kubernetes. I see that restore through PVC is not supported but as per documentation it's mentioned that one can bootstrap a new instance of MySQL using the backup dump taken through MySQL Operator. I tried through helm on k8 master node and also by adding initDB section in values.yaml.
Innodb pods are not coming up.
How to repeat:
Re-create steps:
* Install MySQL Operator and MySQL InnoDB version 8.0.30 using helm on with a backup profile and backup schedule
* Check if backups are getting created in designated location (In our case we are using PVC Volume Claim)
* Uninstall MySQL Operator and MySQL InnoDB cluster
* Install a new instance of My SQL Operator and MySQL Innodb through helm by passing dump storage name and path. Below is an example command:
helm install mysqlapp ./mysql-innodbcluster --namespace testns --set credentials.root.password='password123' --set'%' --set serverInstances=3 --set routerInstances=1 --set"dbbackup1-20221006-170829" --set"mysql-bck-pvc" --version 2.0.5
Expected result: MySQL Operator and MySQL InnoDB cluster should be installed and DB's from backup dump should be available in MySQL.
Issue: MySQL Innodb pods are not getting created. I see message like "AttributeError: 'InnoDBClusterSpec' object has no attribute 'clusterName'" while describing ic.
Suggested fix: