The standard includes:
SELECT 'LOADING departments' as 'INFO';
source load_departments.dump ;
I was informed that "The SQL file is perfectly valid, when used with the MySQL command line shell."
However, in Workbench, source is underlined in red and gives the error: "source is not valid at this position"
IMHO, the workbench SQL editor and the MySQL command line should support the same coo=mmands. Please, can the SQL editor be updated to support source?
It makes no sense that it does not. Especially with the employee database being advertised through the MySql documentation.
This was discussed over 2 years ago:,685467,685502 but I am now raising it formerly here.
Please can someone from the team take this on and make the employee database install error free out of the box.
How to repeat:
1. Download the employee sample database from
2. Open employees.sql in the SQL editor and see the red parks under source at the bottom
Suggested fix:
Update the Workbench editor to support the same commands as the MySQl command line.