Bug #108556 Workbench Crashes on accepting new server key fingerprint
Submitted: 20 Sep 2022 19:40 Modified: 28 Sep 2022 16:17
Reporter: Josue Tello Email Updates:
Status: Can't repeat Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version: OS:MacOS (12.6 (21G115))
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any (2.3 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9)

[20 Sep 2022 19:40] Josue Tello
While setting up workbench to use TCP/IP over SSH, when testing connection, workbench prompts when authenticity of a host cannot be established. Upon clicking "OK" workbench crashes.

How to repeat:
Setup new connection using "Standard TCP/IP over SSH". SSH hostname is defined in the .ssh/config file ie. "bastion-develop", SSH key used for authentication, the MYSQL hostname is pointed to an RDS cluster, using a readonly user and password stored in keychain. 

config file has the host defined as:
Hostname devStackBastion.a.example.com
    Port 22
    User <username>
    IdentitiesOnly yes
    ForwardAgent yes
    TCPKeepAlive yes
    ServerAliveInterval 15
    ServerAliveCountMax 15
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/<private_key>
[20 Sep 2022 19:43] Josue Tello
From the command line i am successfully able to connect to the database if i create a tunnel and then connect workbench to it locally.
> ssh -N -L 3336: [USER]@[SERVER_IP]
[21 Sep 2022 11:09] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Josue Tello,

Thank you for the bug report.
To investigate further this issue at our end, may I kindly request you to launch workbench under debug mode (--log-level=debug3) and provide unaltered workbench log file(more details about log are explained here - https://dev.mysql.com/doc/workbench/en/workbench-reporting-bugs.html)?

Ashwini Patil
[22 Sep 2022 16:55] Josue Tello
log file

Attachment: wb.log (application/octet-stream, text), 64.73 KiB.

[22 Sep 2022 16:55] Josue Tello
log file

Attachment: wb.log (application/octet-stream, text), 64.73 KiB.

[22 Sep 2022 16:56] Josue Tello
Log added, i am going to try and address the permissions issue found in log
[28 Sep 2022 12:14] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Josue Tello,

Thank you for the details.
Log file:
Couldn't open known_hosts file /private/etc/hosts for appending: Permission denied

Please try to resolve the permission issue at your end and let us know if you are facing any issues even after granting the access.

Ashwini Patil
[28 Sep 2022 16:17] Josue Tello
I tried to add entries with no luck. i double checked all hosts file permissions had 644 and i still get same crash.