Bug #10845 Replication 'reset master|slave' fails on Windows
Submitted: 24 May 2005 22:54 Modified: 3 Jun 2005 18:18
Reporter: Kent Boortz Email Updates:
Status: Can't repeat Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.0.6-pre OS:Windows (Windows)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[24 May 2005 22:54] Kent Boortz
Multiple replication test cases, for example 'rpl000005', fails on Windows.
In the diff it can be seen that a 'reset master' fail to remove a file

  reset master;
+ Warnings:
+ Error 6       Error on delete of 'C:\cygwin\home\mysqldev\kent\mysql-5.0.6-beta-win32\mysql-test\var\log\master-bin.000001' (Errcode: 13)

The likely cause is that the server still has the file open while trying
to remove the file. Windows is more restrictive in that aspect.

How to repeat:
Run test case 'rpl000005' on Windows
[3 Jun 2005 18:18] MySQL Verification Team
I was unable to repeat with server from the release package:

Installing Master Databases
Installing Master Databases
Installing Slave Databases
Installing Slave Databases
Installing Slave Databases
Finding  Tests in the 'main' suite
Starting Tests in the 'main' suite

TEST                            RESULT

rpl000005                       [ pass ]
Ending Tests
Shutting-down MySQL daemon

Master(s) shutdown finished
Slave(s) shutdown finished
All 1 tests were successful.