Bug #10808 LOAD_FILE in client side (in MyODBC Driver, not in server side)
Submitted: 23 May 2005 18:09 Modified: 1 Sep 2009 14:28
Reporter: Luis A S Junior Camargo Email Updates:
Status: Won't fix Impact on me:
Category:Connector / ODBC Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:3.51.11-2 OS:Windows (Windows 2000 Server SP4)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[23 May 2005 18:09] Luis A S Junior Camargo
I suggest that function LOAD_FILE is implemented in MyODBC, i know that LOAD_FILE executes looking the archive in the server, my suggestion is the creation of a function LOAD_FILE_ODBC where driver automatically it reads the archive in local way and it sends it way string to the server.

How to repeat:
Example to catch itself of the server: (already it exists)
update mytable set blobfield=LOAD_FILE("c:\image15.jpg") where id=10
Note: image15.jpg is in server.

Example to catch itself of the place: (new request)
update mytable set blobfield=LOAD_FILE_ODBC("c:\image20.jpg") where id=10
Note: image20.jpg is in client.

Suggested fix:
Creation of new function in the MyODBC Driver with same functionality of LOAD_FILE, but reading at local, not in the server.
[1 Sep 2009 14:22] Tonci Grgin
Luis, let me think about it for a while. For now, reading file from server to client is not a good thing as you have double the network traffic; first reading file from server to client and then updating it back...
[1 Sep 2009 14:28] Tonci Grgin
After consulting, we decided we will not implement such functions in c/ODBC, sorry.
[1 Sep 2009 14:52] Tonci Grgin
The reason we will not implement this is that there are functions for sending streams of data to the server inside ODBC specs. So one should use read from STDIN, and then the ODBC API's blob functions to accomplish the same.