Bug #107694 connector xapi execute long sql statement through mysql router will cause error
Submitted: 29 Jun 2022 3:20 Modified: 13 Oct 2022 17:16
Reporter: bingo yang Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:Connector / C++ Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:8.0.29 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[29 Jun 2022 3:20] bingo yang
connector c/c++ 8.0.29 xapi  execute long sql statement through mysql router will cause error;

1.download connector c/c++ 8.0.29 from this page https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/cpp/

2.create a session using mysqlx_get_session_from_options to connect a mysql router

3. execute a long sql statement using mysqlx_sql

4. mysqlx_sql will fail and get error:5000, bad massage

5. recall mysqlx_sql will get other error;

1. Js mysqlx api do the same operation is ok
2. do not use mysql router is ok;
3. do not use compressing is ok;
4. short sql statement is ok;
5. c version and c++ version has the same issue

How to repeat:
//the below is c version; but c++ version has the same problem

int MysqlApiTest::cTest()
std::string MysqlApiTest::mUser = "root";
std::string MysqlApiTest::mPwd = "toot";
std::string MysqlApiTest::mIp = "";
int MysqlApiTest::mPort = 6448;// router port
std::string MysqlApiTest::mDbName = "db_test";

    mysqlx_session_t  *sess = NULL;
    std::string mCurErrcode;

    mysqlx_session_options_t *opt = NULL;
    mysqlx_error_t *error = NULL;
    opt = mysqlx_session_options_new();

    int optRes = mysqlx_session_option_set(opt,
        OPT_HOST(mIp.c_str()), OPT_PORT(mPort),
        OPT_USER(mUser.c_str()), OPT_PWD(mPwd.c_str()),

    sess = mysqlx_get_session_from_options(opt, &error);

    if (sess == NULL)
        mCurErrcode = mysqlx_error_num(error);  //if option error, mCurErrcode = 0
        std::string str(mysqlx_error_message(error));
        return 1;
    printf("\nSession create");
    if (error != NULL) {
        error = NULL;
    mysqlx_result_t* result = NULL;;
    std::string sql;
        result = mysqlx_sql(sess, sql.c_str(), sql.length()); //this will ok

    if (result != NULL)
        result = NULL;
   else {
       int stop = 0;
    sql = "insert into viastorage_test.len_test (id, content) VALUE(2,'content5')";
    result = mysqlx_sql(sess, sql.c_str(), sql.length()); //this will ok

    if (result != NULL)
        result = NULL;
   else {
       int stop = 0;
    sql = "insert into len_test (id, content) VALUE(2,'content5')";
    result = mysqlx_sql(sess, sql.c_str(), sql.length()); //this will ok

    if (result != NULL)
        result = NULL;
   else {
       int stop = 0;

    sql = "insert into len_test (id, content) VALUE(13, 'content: aaaa bbbbbb cccccc dddddhhhh aaaa bbbbbb cccccc dddddhhhh aaaa bbbbbb cccccc dddddhhhh aaaa bbbbbb cccccc dddddhhhh aaaa bbbbbb cccccc dddddhhhh aaaa bbbbbb cccccc dddddhhhh aaaa bbbbbb cccccc dddddhhhh aaaa bbbbbb cccccc dddddhhhh aaaa bbbbbb cccccc dddddhhhh aaaa bbbbbb cccccc dddddhhhh aaaa bbbbbb cccccc dddddhhhh aaaa bbbbbb cccccc dddddhhhh aaaa bbbbbb cccccc dddddhhhh aaaa bbbbbb cccccc dddddhhhh aaaa bbbbbb cccccc dddddhhhh aaaa bbbbbb cccccc dddddhhhh aaaa bbbbbb cccccc dddddhhhh aaaa bbbbbb cccccc dddddhhhh aaaa bbbbbb cccccc dddddhhhh aaaa bbbbbb cccccc dddddhhhh aaaa bbbbbb cccccc dddddhhhh aaaa bbbbbb cccccc dddddhhhh aaaa bbbbbb cccccc dddddhhhh aaaa bbbbbb cccccc dddddhhhh aaaa bbbbbb cccccc dddddhhhh aaaa bbbbbb cccccc dddddhhhh aaaa bbbbbb cccccc dddddhhhh aaaa bbbbbb cccccc dddddhhhh aaaa bbbbbb cccccc dddddhhhh aaaa bbbbbb cccccc dddddhhhh aaaa bbbbbb cccccc dddddhhhh aaaa bbbbbb cccccc dddddhhhh aaaa bbbbbb cccccc dddddhhhh')";

    result = mysqlx_sql(sess, sql.c_str(), sql.length()); // will fail

    if (result != NULL)
        result = NULL;
    else {
        mCurErrcode = mysqlx_error_num(sess);  //if option error, mCurErrcode = 0
        std::string str(mysqlx_error_message(sess));
        int stop = 0;


    return 0;
[29 Jun 2022 3:21] bingo yang
change severity
[30 Jun 2022 15:57] MySQL Verification Team

Thank you for the bug report and feedback.

Ashwini Patil
[13 Oct 2022 17:16] Christine Cole
Posted by developer:
Fixed as of the upcoming MySQL Connector/C++ 8.0.32 release, and here's the proposed changelog entry from the documentation team:

An attempt to execute a long SQL statement emitted an error when the
connection was established using mysqlx_get_session_from_options() to
connect to MySQL Router and with compression enabled on the connection.

Thank you for the bug report.