Bug #107438 JSON STORED generated column values are inserted as NULL on replica
Submitted: 31 May 2022 19:57 Modified: 1 Jun 2022 8:56
Reporter: Erik Halperin Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Replication Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.7.38 OS:CentOS (8)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: BINARY, generated column, json, null, replication, stored column

[31 May 2022 19:57] Erik Halperin
In a replicated set up, running "set names binary" on a primary and then "start slave; stop slave;" will cause all values for a JSON-generated column to be inserted as NULL on the replica. Also, running "flush tables" or restarting the mysql instance--instead of "start slave; stop slave;"--on the replica will induce the same behavior.

Probably related to Bug#88288

How to repeat:
Set up a primary and replica MySQL instance

/* on the primary */
create database test_eh;
create table test_eh.t (json_col JSON, gen_col INT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (json_extract(json_col, '$.x')) STORED);
insert into test_eh.t (json_col) values ('{"x": 1}');
set names binary;
insert into test_eh.t (json_col) values (_utf8mb4'{"x": 2}');

/* on the replica */
stop slave; start slave;

/* on the primary - done in the same session as 'set names binar' */
insert into test_eh.t (json_col) values (_utf8mb4'{"x": 3}');
select * from test_eh.t;

| id | json_col | gen_col |
|  1 | {"x": 1} |       1 |
|  2 | {"x": 2} |       2 |
|  3 | {"x": 3} |       3 |

/* on the replica */
select * from test_eh.t;

| json_col | gen_col |
| {"x": 1} |       1 |
| {"x": 2} |       2 |
| {"x": 3} |    NULL |
[31 May 2022 20:18] Jean-François Gagné
A similar/weirder problem happens on non-STORED generated columns with an index.

dbdeployer deploy replication mysql_5.7.38

./m <<< "
  CREATE TABLE test_jfg.t (
    j json NOT NULL,
    v int unsigned GENERATED ALWAYS AS (json_unquote(json_extract(j,'$.v'))),

-- In a session on the primary (sorry, I have trouble with Linux Shell, dbdeployer and SET NAMES binary).

INSERT INTO test_jfg.t(j) VALUES('{"v":1}');
SET NAMES binary;
INSERT INTO test_jfg.t(j) VALUES(_utf8'{"v":2}');


-- Back in the session on the primary (which had SET NAMES binary).

INSERT INTO test_jfg.t(j) VALUES(_utf8'{"v":3}');

# No null, but...

./m test_jfg -e "SELECT * FROM t"
| id | j        | v    |
|  1 | {"v": 1} |    1 |
|  2 | {"v": 2} |    2 |
|  3 | {"v": 3} |    3 |
./s1 test_jfg -e "SELECT * FROM t"
| id | j        | v    |
|  1 | {"v": 1} |    1 |
|  2 | {"v": 2} |    2 |
|  3 | {"v": 3} |    3 |
./s2 test_jfg -e "SELECT * FROM t"
| id | j        | v    |
|  1 | {"v": 1} |    1 |
|  2 | {"v": 2} |    2 |
|  3 | {"v": 3} |    3 |

# If querying just the v column (and for v = 3), we have our null (and no rows with v = 3 because the index contains null):

./m test_jfg -e "SELECT v FROM t; SELECT * FROM t WHERE v = 3"
| v    |
|    1 |
|    2 |
|    3 |
| id | j        | v    |
|  3 | {"v": 3} |    3 |
./s1 test_jfg -e "SELECT v FROM t; SELECT * FROM t WHERE v = 3"
| v    |
|    1 |
|    2 |
|    3 |
| id | j        | v    |
|  3 | {"v": 3} |    3 |
./s2 test_jfg -e "SELECT v FROM t; SELECT * FROM t WHERE v = 3"
| v    |
| NULL |
|    1 |
|    2 |
[1 Jun 2022 8:56] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Erik Halperin,

Thank you for the report and feedback.
Verified as described with 5.7.38 build.

[1 Jun 2022 9:00] MySQL Verification Team
5.7.38 test results

Attachment: 107438_5.7.38.results (application/octet-stream, text), 6.47 KiB.

[7 Jun 2022 9:38] huahua xu
The slave sql worker does not catch the error when the function `Item::save_in_field` returns TYPE_ERR_BAD_VALUE cause by ER_INVALID_JSON_CHARSET in `ensure_utf8mb4`.

if (cs == &my_charset_bin)
    if (require_string)
      my_error(ER_INVALID_JSON_CHARSET, MYF(0), my_charset_bin.csname);
    return true;
[2 May 2023 16:49] Jean-François Gagné
It is not super explicit from what is written in this report, putting this explicitly in this comment...

MySQL 8.0 (at least 8.0.33) is not affected: both eh and jfg tests are returning expected results.