Bug #107247 Documentation on binlog_expire_logs_auto_purge
Submitted: 9 May 2022 23:17 Modified: 13 May 2022 18:37
Reporter: Mershad Irani Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Documentation Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:8.0 OS:Any
Assigned to: Jon Stephens CPU Architecture:Any

[9 May 2022 23:17] Mershad Irani
I wanted to seek clarification on binlog_expire_logs_auto_purge

According to the doc, this variable 

binlog_expire_logs_auto_purge enables or disables automatic purging of binary log files. Setting this variable to ON (the default) enables automatic purging; setting it to OFF disables automatic purging.

This setting overrides any other variables or options used to control purging of binary log files, such as binlog_expire_logs_seconds. "

However on evaluating this variable, this variable does not override binlog_expire_logs_seconds. 

Below is the outcome of my evaluation. 

* I executed "flush binary logs" to force purging of binary logs. 

* When binlog_expire_logs_seconds =10  and binlog_expire_logs_auto_purge = ON binlogs older than 10 seconds are purged. 

* When binlog_expire_logs_seconds = 10  and binlog_expire_logs_auto_purge = OFF binlogs older than 10 seconds are not purged. 

So as per my understanding this variable serves as a switch on top of binlog_expire_logs_seconds

Initially this gave me an impression, that irrespective of what value you set for binlog_expire_logs_seconds, the binlog gets auto purged when you execute "flush binary logs".

So I would word it something like this. 

binlog_expire_logs_seconds enables or disables automatic purging of binary log files. Setting this variable to ON (the default) enables automatic purging; setting it to OFF disables automatic purging of expired binary log files.

The parameter binlog_expire_logs_seconds dictates the binary log expiration period. 

Reference: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/replication-options-binary-log.html#sysvar_binlog_...

How to repeat:
Not applicable.
[10 May 2022 7:26] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Mershad,

Thank you for the report and feedback.

[12 May 2022 13:23] Jon Stephens
Thank you for your bug report. This issue has been addressed in the documentation. The updated documentation will appear on our website shortly.

Fixed in mysqldoc rev 73186.
