Bug #104439 mysql-8.0.26-macos11-arm64.dmg installer hangs/freezes
Submitted: 28 Jul 2021 11:41 Modified: 3 Aug 2021 11:43
Reporter: Jeff Tiedemann Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Installing Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:mysql-8.0.26 OS:MacOS
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:ARM (Apple Silicon M1)

[28 Jul 2021 11:41] Jeff Tiedemann
Tried this many times but the mysql-8.0.26-macos11-arm64.pkg but after the installer dmg loads up and then you are prompted with the Allow/Cancel it then freezes with the spinning wheel. I tried with the mysql-8.0.26 non ARM version and it works. I'm using Mac OS 11.5 on a Apple Silicon M1

How to repeat:
Just launch the mysql-8.0.26-macos11-arm64.dmg
[1 Aug 2021 2:45] Shen Huang
I have the same issue, please advise a solution, thanks!
[3 Aug 2021 11:43] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Jeff Tiedemann,

Thank you for the report and feedback.
From the internal discussion, we discovered that this is indeed an issue with the build.

Ashwini Patil
[4 May 2022 16:32] Jim Henk
This is also true for the intel install, as soon as the main install finishes.  It never makes it to the Configuration section before it freezes with the spinning wheel.  (on Catalina 10.15.7 - MacBook Pro - mid 2012)  So in effect, it seems like there is no workable Mac installer for the product.  Wouldn't this be a showstopper thing?
[4 May 2022 16:44] Jim Henk
Oh, I forgot to mention.  The install never does display the selection page that let's you include the Preferences Pane.  I only know about it from reading web articles.  Never does show up.  Sorry I didn't mention that above.
[11 Jan 2023 1:48] JON SNOW
did this ever get resolved? I'm having the same problems
[25 Apr 2023 16:22] Nigel Smith
I am also wondering if and how this can be resolved. I have just tried installing 8.0.33 and it hangs just before the configuration step.