Bug #103910 Make MySQL for Windows Installer (msi) source code available
Submitted: 4 Jun 2021 8:25 Modified: 4 Jun 2021 9:04
Reporter: Laurents Meyer (OCA) Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL for Windows: Installer Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:8.0.24 OS:Windows
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[4 Jun 2021 8:25] Laurents Meyer
There are many bug in the MySQL for Windows Installer, and there have been for years (I _never_ had a smooth upgrade experience with _any_ version on Windows).

Theses have to to with different paths than the default ones, upgrades, running multiple instances and not cleaning up correctly after upgrading (and can vary depending on the version used).

It will be much easier to fix them directly in the source code, than to accurately describe the environment and circumstances in which they appear in a way, that somebody else is able to replicate and fix them.

Therefore, I would like to fix those myself. However, I was unable to find the installer source code anywhere.

Please make it available to the community (if it isn't already) and point me to it.


How to repeat:
Google for the "MySQL for Windows Installer MSI" source code. Nothing helpful turns up.

Suggested fix:
Make the MySQL for Windows Installer source code available to the community.
[4 Jun 2021 9:04] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Laurents Meyer,

Thank you for the reasonable request!
