Bug #103891 Two parallel threads trigger error code '1032 Can't find record in 'table'
Submitted: 2 Jun 2021 14:13 Modified: 4 Jul 2021 7:42
Reporter: Fei Li Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:MySQL5.6 and MySQL5.7.33 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[2 Jun 2021 14:13] Fei Li
# The script can reproduce
# the `can’t find record` problem in MySQL5.6 and MySQL5.7.33

import pymysql
import _thread

# You should create this database before executing the script
db = 'testdb'

# host, port, user and password
host = 'localhost'
port = 13306
user = 'root'
password = 'root'

def connect() -> pymysql.Connection:
    return pymysql.connect(host=host,

# recreate database ${db}
# then create schema for test
def initdb():
    conn = connect()
    cur = conn.cursor()
    cur.execute(f'drop table if exists t;')
    cur.execute('create table t(pkAttr0 integer, coAttr1 varchar(100), \
                coAttr2 varchar(100), coAttr3 varchar(100), coAttr4 integer, \
                coAttr5 varchar(100), coAttr6 varchar(100), primary key(pkAttr0));')

def select():
    conn = connect()
    cur = conn.cursor()
    cur.execute('set session transaction isolation level read uncommitted')
    while True:
        #Sometimes, this select triggers error:pymysql.err.0perationalError: (1032,"Can't find record in 't'")
        cur.execute('select pkAttr0, coAttr1, coAttr2, coAttr3, coAttr4, coAttr5, coAttr6 \
            from t order by pkAttr0, coAttr1, coAttr2, coAttr3, coAttr4, coAttr5, coAttr6;')

def change():
    conn = connect()
    cur = conn.cursor()
    cur.execute('set session transaction isolation level read uncommitted')

    while True:
        cur.execute('delete from t where pkAttr0 = 1;')
        cur.execute('insert into t(pkAttr0, coAttr1, coAttr2, coAttr3, coAttr4, coAttr5, coAttr6) \
            values("1", "varchar1", "varchar2", "varchar3", "2021", "varchar5", "varchar6");')
        # The problem can be reproduced whether or not to commit the transaction
        # conn.commit()


_thread.start_new_thread(select, ())
_thread.start_new_thread(change, ())

while True:

How to repeat:
Run the above Python script to reproduce the bug.

Suggested fix:
The expected result should not throw '1032' error.
[3 Jun 2021 13:25] MySQL Verification Team
Hi Mr. Li,

Thank you for your bug report.

However, we can not accept a test case in this form, since we are not testing Python , but only our own software.

Hence, we need structure and contents of all the tables involved in these two transactions. Next, we require a set of SQL queries in each of the transactions , that would lead to the error code that you report. We shall run them in parallel, in our own environment.

We are waiting on your feedback.
[3 Jun 2021 13:29] MySQL Verification Team

We must also point out that what you describe is absolutely expected behaviour when you use isolation level of READ_UNCOMMITTED. As our Manual says , it can lead to the unexpected results, so let us also know whether you also get this error with any other isolation level.
[4 Jul 2021 1:00] Bugs System
No feedback was provided for this bug for over a month, so it is
being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the
information that was originally requested, please do so and change
the status of the bug back to "Open".
[4 Jul 2021 7:42] MySQL Verification Team
Verified with a psuedorandom testcase on 5.7.36.

drop table if exists t;
create table t(pkattr0 integer, coattr1 varchar(100), coattr2 varchar(100), coattr3 varchar(100), coattr4 integer, coattr5 varchar(100), coattr6 varchar(100), primary key(pkattr0));

drop procedure if exists p;
delimiter $
create procedure p()
  declare done int default false;
  declare v_pkattr0 integer;
  declare v_coattr1 varchar(100);
  declare v_coattr2 varchar(100);
  declare v_coattr3 varchar(100);
  declare v_coattr4 varchar(100);
  declare v_coattr5 varchar(100);
  declare v_coattr6 varchar(100);
  declare cur1 cursor for select pkattr0, coattr1, coattr2, coattr3, coattr4, coattr5, coattr6 from t order by pkattr0, coattr1, coattr2, coattr3, coattr4, coattr5, coattr6;
  -- declare continue handler for sqlexception begin end;
  declare continue handler for not found set done = true;
     set session transaction isolation level read uncommitted;
     if rand()<0.5 then start transaction; end if;
     open cur1;
      read_loop: loop
        fetch cur1 into v_pkattr0,v_coattr1,v_coattr2,v_coattr3,v_coattr4,v_coattr5,v_coattr6;
        if done then
          leave read_loop;
        end if;
      end loop;
     close cur1;
     if rand()<0.5 then commit; end if;
     if rand()<0.5 then start transaction; end if;
     if rand()<0.5 then delete from t where pkattr0 = 1; end if;
     if rand()<0.5 then commit; end if;
     set session transaction isolation level read uncommitted;
     if rand()<0.5 then start transaction; end if;
     if rand()<0.5 then replace into t(pkattr0, coattr1, coattr2, coattr3, coattr4, coattr5, coattr6) values("1", "varchar1", "varchar2", "varchar3", "2021", "varchar5", "varchar6"); end if;
     if rand()<0.5 then commit; end if;
  until 1=2 end repeat;

end $

delimiter ;

call p();   -- in multiple threads

On launching second call p(),  first one quickly dies with:

mysql> call p();   -- in multiple threads
ERROR 1032 (HY000): Can't find record in 't'
[4 Jul 2021 7:44] MySQL Verification Team
Current 8.0 was not affected.