Worked with Miguel to confirm this bug.
When using cluster.setPrimaryInstance fails to change the primary, MySQL Shell returns conflicting information:
Setting instance 'instance02' as the primary instance of cluster 'cluster01'...
Instance 'instance02:3306' remains SECONDARY.
Instance 'instance03:3306' remains SECONDARY.
Instance 'instance01:3306' remains PRIMARY.
The instance 'instance02' was successfully elected as primary.
Notice that instance01 remains primary, but no error is reported, and the last line says that instance02 was successfully set as primary, even though it wasn't.
How to repeat:
* All cluster instances on 8.0.24
* instance01 is the primary R/W instance
* Upgrade the R/O instances (instance02 and instance03) to 8.0.25
* Try to run cluster.setPrimaryInstance('instance02') and it will return the output above
The primary failed to change because it's a lower version than the other instances, so that's fine. In this case the bug is only that MySQL Shell is presenting the wrong results of the command.
Suggested fix:
MySQL Shell should return a meaningful error, and also not show that the primary was changed successfully.