Bug #10321 Feature request - client for Mac OSX
Submitted: 2 May 2005 20:34 Modified: 5 May 2005 10:19
Reporter: Rob Blick Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Command-line Clients Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version: OS:MacOS (OSX 10.3)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[2 May 2005 20:34] Rob Blick
MySQL has always made its command line client available for Linux... how about a pre-compiled binary for Mac OSX?  I commonly work on a PowerBook and connect to remote servers - the client would be most useful :-)

How to repeat:

Suggested fix:
[4 May 2005 15:59] Geert Vanderkelen
Hi Rob,

You can download MacOSX 10.3 versions from our download website on the following URL:


[4 May 2005 18:10] Rob Blick
I saw that... mysql-standard-4.11.1-a-apple-darwin6.8-powerpc.dmg is available.  This installs BOTH the server and the client.  I don't want the server on my Mac - I only need the client.  Client-only installs are available for Linux - why not for Mac also?
[5 May 2005 10:19] Joerg Bruehe
As a workaround, doanload not the "dmg" package but the "tar.gz" and extract the client program. This way, there will not be an installation of components you do not want (need) on that machine.