Bug #1026 | Problem with MyODBC when Inserting datetime walues trough BDE | ||
Submitted: | 11 Aug 2003 0:31 | Modified: | 30 May 2013 7:58 |
Reporter: | Denis Kolman | Email Updates: | |
Status: | Closed | Impact on me: | |
Category: | Connector / ODBC | Severity: | S2 (Serious) |
Version: | 3.51.06 | OS: | Windows (Win32 (any)) |
Assigned to: | CPU Architecture: | Any |
[11 Aug 2003 0:31]
Denis Kolman
[11 Aug 2003 0:44]
Denis Kolman
Sorry, I forgot to write that I'm using Delphi 6 Enterprise with SP2
[21 Sep 2003 21:40]
MySQL Verification Team
I did some tests with Builder C++ 4.0 Pro using the data access controls mentioned without to reproduce the issue. However will be best if you send for us a small project test case for to try to reproduce it. You can send it (into a zipped file and making reference to this bug number) at: ftp://support.mysql.com/pub/mysql/secret/ Thanks in advance.
[9 Jun 2005 8:55]
KAZANCI ibrahim
i'm using delphi 5, mysql 4.1.10a i have same similiar error. i'm trying to port my delphi+mssql application to delphi+mysql. i can't send any datetime parameter to any TQuery component in delphi. i'm using delphi 5 and suggested Tformatstring is not defined in this version. i cant solve problem. i used it with other mysql 4 versions. there is no difference. this is an example: qryMesaj.Close; qryMesaj.SQL.Clear; qryMesaj.SQL.Add('SELECT * FROM Messages'); qryMesaj.SQL.Add('WHERE Date <=:QDate'); qryMesaj.ParamByName('QDate').AsDateTime := Date; //--> error here qryMesaj.Open; same query working good with mssql. i'm reading about myodbc & datetime parameter problem on forums a lot but there is not a real solution.
[9 Jun 2005 9:03]
KAZANCI ibrahim
i forgot to tell myodbc version. i think above codes is enough to reproduce the error. if not i can try to send a little test program to reproduce error... ftp://support.mysql.com/pub/mysql/secret/
[9 Jun 2005 9:55]
KAZANCI ibrahim
(TEST CASE) CREATE TABLE `message` ( `MessageNo` double NOT NULL default '0', `User` char(8) NOT NULL default '', `StartDate` datetime default NULL, `Readed` char(1) default NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; in delphi drop a tquery component on a form. and connect it to mysql database. query1.Close; query1.SQL.Clear; query1.SQL.Add('SELECT * FROM message'); query1.SQL.Add('WHERE StartDate<=:QDate'); query1.ParamByName('QDate').AsDateTime := MyDate; //--> error here query1.Open; when you run app. it doesnt accept parameter as datetime... // this function shows the code where MyDate is coming from Function TfrmGSifre.MyDate: TDateTime; var Year, Month, Day: Word; begin {Get MySQL Server's System date} With QryGetDate Do try Close; SQL.Clear; SQL.Add('SELECT Date= GetDate()'); Open; DecodeDate(FieldByName('Date').asDateTime, Year, Month, Day); MyDate:= EncodeDate(Year, Month, Day); finally Close; end; end; for information, only way i can find it to work is this: changing parameter type to asstring and changing MyDate to string as follows: query1.ParamByName('QDate').AsString := StringReplace(StringReplace(Datetimetostr(MyDate),'/',DateSeparator,[rfReplaceAll]),'(','',[rfReplaceAll]); hope this helps but its to will take a huge work for a big application porting from mssql to mysql. i have hundreds of forms and thousands of query.
[25 Dec 2007 21:20]
Michal Manka
Solution for that problem is to force MySQL ODBC driver to present ODBC version 3 interface to apps no matter which they wanted. It can be done by loading c:\windows\system32\myodbc3.dll into hex editor and replacing string : 75 10 FF 75 08 89 38 E8 2B FF FF FF 59 E9 93 00 00 00 with new string : 8B 7D 08 C7 07 03 00 00 00 33 FF 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 Hope, that will work for you (it works for me :)
[30 May 2013 7:58]
Bogdan Degtyariov
Thank you for your bug report. This issue has already been fixed in the latest released version of that product, which you can download at http://www.mysql.com/downloads/