Bug #102456 Can't see the full collation name in the drop-down list
Submitted: 3 Feb 2021 2:02 Modified: 3 Feb 2021 7:20
Reporter: shiloh lee Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:8.0.23 OS:Windows (Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:x86
Tags: WBBugReporter

[3 Feb 2021 2:02] shiloh lee
When I create a new database and select a collation, I can't see the full collation name in the drop-down list

How to repeat:
1. Start the mysql workbench
2. Create a new schema in the connected server
3. On the new_schema - Schema tab, select Charset in the drop-down list, such as "utf8mb4"
4. Then select the collation from the drop-down list next to it, At this time, when I click the drop-down list to select a collation, I can't see the complete collation name:(

Suggested fix:
Please adjust the width of the drop-down list appropriately:)
[3 Feb 2021 7:20] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Shiloh lee,

Thank you for the report and feedback.

[23 May 2022 21:26] Ora Sus
screenshot of the bug on Windows

Attachment: MySQLWorkbenchvBvJ.png (image/png, text), 23.62 KiB.

[30 Jan 2023 17:52] Patrick Scruggs

1. Use a query to manually create or edit your schema instead of the GUI.

General form of query:

<CREATE/ALTER> SCHEMA `<schema name>` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET <character set> COLLATE <collation>;

Specific example:

CREATE SCHEMA `my_schema` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci;

2. (Risky) Use the confirmation window to see the whole character set you have selected with the GUI.

First, confirm that you have "Confirm Data Chances" enabled. From the drop-down menus in the upper-left corner of the MySQL Workbench window, navigate to to Edit => Preferences... => SQL Editor => SQL Execution. Verify that "Confirm Data Changes" is checked and click "OK".

In the Schema tab in the GUI, select the desired charset, and a collation you *think* is the one you want. Click "Apply," and a window will pop up asking you to, "Review the SQL Script to be Applied on the Database". You'll be able to see the entire collation name in the generated script.

3. (Risky) Take my word for it:

You're very probably setting the charset to utf8mb4. If that's the case, the first four options in the collation drop-down menu are, in order:

1 - Default Collation
2 - utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci
3 - utf8mb4_0900_as_ci
4 - utf8mb4_0900_as_cs

utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci (accent-insensitive, case-insensitive) is default collation for utf8mb4, which is the default character set for MySQL 8.0