Bug #102315 "Client Connections" blank for some servers
Submitted: 20 Jan 2021 15:26 Modified: 22 Jan 2021 12:44
Reporter: Jason Brunette Email Updates:
Status: Can't repeat Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: Administration Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:8.0.23 OS:Windows
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[20 Jan 2021 15:26] Jason Brunette
MySQL Community Server 5.7.30 on Linux

Administration > Management > Client Connections

The "Administration - Client Connections" tab is missing the thread and connection statistics lines and the entire table of open connections. This occurs on two separate MySQL Community Server 5.7.30 servers.

On a Microsoft Azure instance of MySQL 5.7.29 on Win64, the problem does not occur.

How to repeat:
1. Connect to MySQL Community Server 5.7.30 on Linux
2. Select the "Administration" tab at the bottom of the "Navigator" pane.
3. Click "Client Connections".

The "Administration - Client Connections" tab opens, but is almost completely empty.

Suggested fix:
Make it not empty.
[20 Jan 2021 15:28] Jason Brunette

Attachment: 2021-01-20 09_27_19-Window.png (image/png, text), 48.12 KiB.

[22 Jan 2021 12:44] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Jason Brunette,

Thank you for the bug report.
I tried to reproduce your issue on windows 10 with workbench 8.0.23 but I am not seeing any issues at my end. 

Ashwini Patil