Bug #1020 {No value for `mysqlversion'} in mysql.info
Submitted: 9 Aug 2003 15:10 Modified: 11 Aug 2003 1:52
Reporter: [ name withheld ] Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Documentation Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:4.0.14 OS:
Assigned to: Lenz Grimmer CPU Architecture:Any

[9 Aug 2003 15:10] [ name withheld ]
In the mysql.info file included in the mysql-4.0.14.tar.gz source distribution, the Top node has an undefined variable reference:

   This version refers to the {No value for `mysqlversion'} version of `MySQL
   Server' ...

Also, `This version refers to' should probably be something like `This manual documents'.

How to repeat:
Inspect Top node of Info file.
[11 Aug 2003 1:52] Lenz Grimmer
This was because of some changes in the mysqldoc tree that had not been propagated
to the 4.0 source tree in time (the variable "mysql_version" had been changed to
"mysqlversion"). It was fixed in the 4.0 tree a while ago and 4.0.15 will include
this change as well.

ChangeSet@1.676.1.723, 2003-07-28 17:50:06+02:00, serg@serg.mylan
  Followup to Jim's changes in mysqldoc tree. Unfortunately, it's too late for 4
.0.14 :(