Bug #101451 Wrong Results when using WHERE + HAVING + ORDER BY + LIMIT
Submitted: 4 Nov 2020 7:19 Modified: 4 Nov 2020 13:50
Reporter: soheil rahsaz Email Updates:
Status: Not a Bug Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: DML Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.7.32 OS:CentOS
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[4 Nov 2020 7:19] soheil rahsaz
When querying a table and using where clause on indexed columns and having clause on a generated value in select and order by primary key and limit n, MySQL returns a lot fewer results than expected n.
Here I include an example. 
It does not actually reproduce the problem as I saw it, but this is exactly similar to the situation that I actually have.

Instead of returning 15 rows, it returns 6-7 rows.

How to repeat:
DROP TABLE testingBug;
CREATE TABLE `testingBug`
    `id`                INT(10) UNSIGNED                        NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    `name`              VARCHAR(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_persian_ci NOT NULL,
    `beginDatetime`     CHAR(19) COLLATE utf8mb4_persian_ci     NOT NULL,
    `endDatetime`       CHAR(19) COLLATE utf8mb4_persian_ci     NOT NULL,
    `realBeginDatetime` CHAR(19) COLLATE utf8mb4_persian_ci          DEFAULT NULL,
    `realEndDatetime`   CHAR(19) COLLATE utf8mb4_persian_ci          DEFAULT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
    KEY `meetingHostname` (`name`),
    KEY `beginDatetime` (`beginDatetime`),
    KEY `realEndDatetime` (`realEndDatetime`)
  COLLATE = utf8mb4_persian_ci;
INSERT INTO testingBug (name, beginDatetime, endDatetime, realBeginDatetime, realEndDatetime)
VALUES ('test1', '2020/11/04 08:00:00', '2020/11/04 08:45:00', '2020/11/04 08:01:00', '2020/11/04 08:10:00')
     , ('test2', '2020/11/04 08:00:00', '2020/11/04 09:00:00', '2020/11/04 08:01:00', NULL)
     , ('test3', '2020/11/04 08:10:00', '2020/11/04 09:40:00', '2020/11/04 08:01:00', NULL)
     , ('test4', '2020/11/04 08:20:00', '2020/11/04 09:00:00', '2020/11/04 08:01:00', NULL)
     , ('test5', '2020/11/04 08:25:00', '2020/11/04 09:50:00', '2020/11/04 08:01:00', NULL)
     , ('test6', '2020/11/04 08:30:00', '2020/11/04 09:00:00', '2020/11/04 08:01:00', NULL)
     , ('test7', '2020/11/04 08:17:00', '2020/11/04 09:30:00', '2020/11/04 08:01:00', '2020/11/04 08:30:00')
     , ('test8', '2020/11/04 08:16:00', '2020/11/04 09:00:00', '2020/11/04 08:01:00', NULL)
     , ('test3', '2020/11/04 08:10:00', '2020/11/04 09:40:00', '2020/11/04 08:01:00', NULL)
     , ('test4', '2020/11/04 08:20:00', '2020/11/04 09:00:00', '2020/11/04 08:01:00', NULL)
     , ('test5', '2020/11/04 08:25:00', '2020/11/04 09:50:00', '2020/11/04 08:01:00', NULL)
     , ('test6', '2020/11/04 08:30:00', '2020/11/04 09:00:00', '2020/11/04 08:01:00', NULL)
     , ('test7', '2020/11/04 08:17:00', '2020/11/04 09:30:00', '2020/11/04 08:01:00', '2020/11/04 08:30:00')
     , ('test8', '2020/11/04 08:16:00', '2020/11/04 09:00:00', '2020/11/04 08:01:00', NULL)
     , ('test5', '2020/11/04 08:25:00', '2020/11/04 09:50:00', '2020/11/04 08:01:00', NULL)
     , ('test6', '2020/11/04 08:30:00', '2020/11/04 09:00:00', '2020/11/04 08:01:00', NULL)
     , ('test7', '2020/11/04 08:17:00', '2020/11/04 09:30:00', '2020/11/04 08:01:00', '2020/11/04 08:30:00')
     , ('test8', '2020/11/04 08:16:00', '2020/11/04 09:00:00', '2020/11/04 08:01:00', NULL)
     , ('test3', '2020/11/04 08:10:00', '2020/11/04 09:40:00', '2020/11/04 08:01:00', NULL)
     , ('test4', '2020/11/04 08:20:00', '2020/11/04 09:00:00', '2020/11/04 08:01:00', NULL)
     , ('test5', '2020/11/04 08:25:00', '2020/11/04 09:50:00', '2020/11/04 08:01:00', NULL)
     , ('test6', '2020/11/04 08:30:00', '2020/11/04 09:00:00', '2020/11/04 08:01:00', NULL)
     , ('test7', '2020/11/04 08:17:00', '2020/11/04 09:30:00', '2020/11/04 08:01:00', '2020/11/04 08:30:00')
     , ('test8', '2020/11/04 08:16:00', '2020/11/04 09:00:00', '2020/11/04 08:01:00', NULL)
     , ('test9', '2020/11/04 08:29:00', '2020/11/04 09:00:00', '2020/11/04 08:01:00', NULL)
     , ('tes10', '2020/11/04 08:28:00', '2020/11/04 09:10:00', '2020/11/04 08:01:00', '2020/11/04 08:50:00');

       IF(realEndDatetime IS NOT NULL, TT('ended'),
          IF(realBeginDatetime IS NULL,
             IF('2020/11/04 08:50:00' > endDatetime, TT('cancelled'),
             IF('2020/11/04 08:50:00' > endDatetime, TT('ended'),
                TT('running')))) AS status
FROM testingBug
WHERE beginDatetime LIKE '2020/11/04%'
  AND !(realBeginDatetime IS NULL AND realEndDatetime IS NOT NULL)
HAVING `status` LIKE N'%run%'
LIMIT 0,15;
[4 Nov 2020 13:31] MySQL Verification Team
Hi Mr. rahsaz,

Thank you for your bug report.

However, this is not a bug.

HAVING clause is there to be used only with aggregated queries and your query is not an aggregated one.

Not a bug.
[4 Nov 2020 13:46] soheil rahsaz
I may have failed to explain what is actually happening.
In my table, I have a lot of data which with the given query, it returns 300 rows (without limit clause). But when I apply the `LIMIT 15` clause, it returns 7 rows. 
Also, when I remove `ORDER BY` clause, it works fine with having and limit.
Is this normal to happen with having clause?
Thanks in advance.
[4 Nov 2020 13:50] soheil rahsaz
I just found this:

"The SQL standard requires that HAVING must reference only columns in the GROUP BY clause or columns used in aggregate functions. However, MySQL supports an extension to this behavior, and permits HAVING to refer to columns in the SELECT list and columns in outer subqueries as well."

Sorry I didn't find it earlier.
[4 Nov 2020 13:51] MySQL Verification Team
Hi Mr. rahsaz,

Short answer to your question is that it is the expected result.