Bug #100432 Optimal memory-barrier for performance-schema counter
Submitted: 5 Aug 2020 7:55 Modified: 5 Aug 2020 13:15
Reporter: Krunal Bauskar Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Performance Schema Severity:S5 (Performance)
Version:8.0.21 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:ARM
Tags: arm, memory barrier, performance

[5 Aug 2020 7:55] Krunal Bauskar
- performance-schema is filled with counters to track different aspects.
  Most of these counters use default memory-order that is sequential-consistent.

- Given these are tracking counters and not meant to synchronize threads,
  memory order of these counters could be switched over to relaxed.

How to repeat:
* I will submit the patch that could be used to see the difference.

Steps to reproduce:

Enable the wait events:

UPDATE performance_schema.setup_instruments SET ENABLED = 'YES', TIMED = 'YES' WHERE NAME LIKE 'wait/%';
UPDATE performance_schema.setup_consumers SET ENABLED = 'YES' WHERE NAME LIKE 'events_waits%';

Run any workload (I tried sysbench update-non-index workload with 1024 threads (zipfian and uniform))


              perf %                                                      tps
baseline    18.02% [.] insert_events_waits_history_long                   7103 
patched     15.56% [.] insert_events_waits_history_long                   7630 (+7%)


              perf %                                                      tps
baseline    2.97% [.] insert_events_waits_history_long                   7403 
patched     2.34% [.] insert_events_waits_history_long                   8300 (+12%)


              perf %                                                      tps
baseline    5.36% [.] insert_events_waits_history_long                   39534 
patched     4.81% [.] insert_events_waits_history_long                   40001 (+1.1%)


              perf %                                                      tps
baseline    7.22% [.] insert_events_waits_history_long                   48362 
patched     6.11% [.] insert_events_waits_history_long                   49618 (+2.6%)
[5 Aug 2020 7:55] Krunal Bauskar
pfs memory barrier patch

Attachment: perf#pfs-memory-barrier.patch (text/x-patch), 16.32 KiB.

[5 Aug 2020 13:15] MySQL Verification Team
Hi Mr. Bauskar,

Thank you for your performance improvement report, for the ARM family of CPUs. However, thank you even more for your patch, which looks quite promising to me.

Verified as reported.