Bug #100390 Unable to Connect/login to MySQL workbench - localhost:3306
Submitted: 30 Jul 2020 20:21 Modified: 30 Jul 2020 20:38
Reporter: Siddharth Upadhyay Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:Latest Version OS:Windows
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[30 Jul 2020 20:21] Siddharth Upadhyay
what you did - I have downloaded the Mysql today however when trying to login/connect into Mysql workbench local instance MYSQL80, Root, localhost:3306. After clicking on it Its just showing "Opening SQL editor" and "please stand by" from a long time with no progress after this.

I may once enter the incorrect password and selected the save my password option initially. after which i am unable to connect as stated above.

what you wanted to happen - login/connect into Mysql workbench local instance MYSQL80, Root, localhost:3306

what actually happened - Nothing. After clicking on it Its just showing "Opening SQL editor" and "please stand by" from a long time with no progress after this.

How to repeat:
All the details stated above.
Please Help.

[30 Jul 2020 20:38] Siddharth Upadhyay
I myself somehow figured it out. Hence closing this ticket.
[17 Oct 2020 12:42] Jurgen blank
I'm having the same issue. Workbench just sits there. The server is running, I can connect to it with the mysql command line tool (debian installed on windows connecting to localhost), and I can get Java code to connect and query the DB.

I've tried restarting the server. I've tried restarting the laptop. I've tried restarting and reinstalling workbench.

There are many connections stuck in TIME_WAIT. And I mean *many*. Thousands of connections just sitting there.

Installed versions of Server, Shell and Workbench are 8.0.21.
[17 Oct 2020 12:45] Jurgen blank
In addition Workbench shows an error when I click on 'cancel':

Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'HUDForm'.

I'd also like to point out that the 'Report Bug' button takes me to a login form instead of a 'thank you' page.