Bug #100378 GROUP_REPLICATION member cannot join
Submitted: 30 Jul 2020 8:57 Modified: 3 Aug 2020 11:58
Reporter: fox yao Email Updates:
Status: Can't repeat Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Replication Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:8.0.21 OS:Any
Assigned to: MySQL Verification Team CPU Architecture:Any

[30 Jul 2020 8:57] fox yao
I cannot join group replication, the log was;
[Warning] [MY-011735] [Repl] Plugin group_replication reported: '[GCS] The request to add IP_address:33061 to the group has been rejected because it is aimed at another group'

How to repeat:
[Warning] [MY-011735] [Repl] Plugin group_replication reported: '[GCS] The request to add IP_address:33061 to the group has been rejected because it is aimed at another group'
[30 Jul 2020 12:16] MySQL Verification Team

This looks like an improperly configured system, but that's all I can say based on the information you provided. 

kind regards
[31 Jul 2020 1:27] fox yao
Here is my server config

server 1:
user                            = mysql
port                            = 3306
socket                          = /tmp/mysql.sock
bind-address                    =
basedir                         = /usr/local
datadir                         = /var/db/mysql
tmpdir                          = /var/db/mysql_tmpdir
slave-load-tmpdir               = /var/db/mysql_tmpdir
secure-file-priv                = /var/db/mysql_secure
#log-bin                         = mysql-bin
log-output                      = TABLE
#master-info-repository          = TABLE
#relay-log-info-repository       = TABLE
relay-log-recovery              = 1
slow-query-log                  = 1

sync_binlog                     = 1
sync_relay_log                  = 1
binlog_cache_size               = 16M
expire_logs_days                = 30
default_password_lifetime       = 0
#enforce-gtid-consistency        = 1
#gtid-mode                       = ON
safe-user-create                = 1
lower_case_table_names          = 1
explicit-defaults-for-timestamp = 1
myisam-recover-options          = BACKUP,FORCE
open_files_limit                = 32768
table_open_cache                = 16384
table_definition_cache          = 8192
net_retry_count                 = 16384
key_buffer_size                 = 256M
max_allowed_packet              = 64M
long_query_time                 = 0.5
innodb_buffer_pool_size         = 1G
innodb_data_home_dir            = /var/db/mysql
innodb_log_group_home_dir       = /var/db/mysql
innodb_data_file_path           = ibdata1:128M:autoextend
innodb_temp_data_file_path      = ibtmp1:128M:autoextend
innodb_flush_method             = O_DIRECT
innodb_log_file_size            = 256M
innodb_log_buffer_size          = 16M
innodb_write_io_threads         = 8
innodb_read_io_threads          = 8
innodb_autoinc_lock_mode        = 2
server_id = 1
gtid_mode = ON
enforce_gtid_consistency = ON
binlog_checksum = NONE
log_bin = binlog
log_slave_updates = ON
binlog_format = ROW
master_info_repository = TABLE
relay_log_info_repository = TABLE
transaction_write_set_extraction = XXHASH64
# Shared replication group configuration
loose-group_replication_group_name = "6dad0fb6-d20a-11ea-bb2a-00155d90191e"
loose-group_replication_start_on_boot = OFF
loose-group_replication_bootstrap_group = OFF
loose-group_replication_local_address= ""
loose-group_replication_group_seeds= ","
loose-group_replication_ssl_mode = REQUIRED
loose-group_replication_recovery_use_ssl = 1
loose-group_replication_ip_whitelist = ","

report_host = ""

server 2:

user                            = mysql
port                            = 3306
socket                          = /tmp/mysql.sock
bind-address                    =
basedir                         = /usr/local
datadir                         = /var/db/mysql
tmpdir                          = /var/db/mysql_tmpdir
slave-load-tmpdir               = /var/db/mysql_tmpdir
secure-file-priv                = /var/db/mysql_secure
#log-bin                         = mysql-bin
log-output                      = TABLE
#master-info-repository          = TABLE
#relay-log-info-repository       = TABLE
relay-log-recovery              = 1
slow-query-log                  = 1

sync_binlog                     = 1
sync_relay_log                  = 1
binlog_cache_size               = 16M
expire_logs_days                = 30
default_password_lifetime       = 0
#enforce-gtid-consistency        = 1
#gtid-mode                       = ON
safe-user-create                = 1
lower_case_table_names          = 1
explicit-defaults-for-timestamp = 1
myisam-recover-options          = BACKUP,FORCE
open_files_limit                = 32768
table_open_cache                = 16384
table_definition_cache          = 8192
net_retry_count                 = 16384
key_buffer_size                 = 256M
max_allowed_packet              = 64M
long_query_time                 = 0.5
innodb_buffer_pool_size         = 1G
innodb_data_home_dir            = /var/db/mysql
innodb_log_group_home_dir       = /var/db/mysql
innodb_data_file_path           = ibdata1:128M:autoextend
innodb_temp_data_file_path      = ibtmp1:128M:autoextend
innodb_flush_method             = O_DIRECT
innodb_log_file_size            = 256M
innodb_log_buffer_size          = 16M
innodb_write_io_threads         = 8
innodb_read_io_threads          = 8
innodb_autoinc_lock_mode        = 2
server_id = 2
gtid_mode = ON
enforce_gtid_consistency = ON
binlog_checksum = NONE
log_bin = binlog
log_slave_updates = ON
binlog_format = ROW
master_info_repository = TABLE
relay_log_info_repository = TABLE
transaction_write_set_extraction = XXHASH64

# Shared replication group configuration
loose-group_replication_group_name = "6f0e67b3-d20a-11ea-907d-00155d90191f"
loose-group_replication_start_on_boot = OFF
loose-group_replication_bootstrap_group = OFF
loose-group_replication_local_address= ""
loose-group_replication_group_seeds= ","
loose-group_replication_ssl_mode = REQUIRED
loose-group_replication_recovery_use_ssl = 1
loose-group_replication_ip_whitelist = ","
report_host =
[3 Aug 2020 11:58] MySQL Verification Team

I cannot reproduce a problem. Are you sure you are following the procedures properly? Also, you should really deploy 3 servers, not 2.

If you have issues configuring GR you can contact our Support team or get help on the forum: https://forums.mysql.com/list.php?26