Bug #100375 Column name cannot be parsed inside COS function
Submitted: 30 Jul 2020 6:16 Modified: 31 Jul 2020 7:13
Reporter: Yushan ZHANG Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Parser Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.7.31, 5.6.48 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[30 Jul 2020 6:16] Yushan ZHANG
-- cannot parse the column in having
mysql> SELECT `col_tinyint_key_signed` FROM table_10_utf8_6 HAVING COS(`col_enum_undef_signed` );                                                                                                                                                                     ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'col_enum_undef_signed' in 'having clause'                                                                                                                                                                                         

-- parse correct with WHERE, wrong result due to Bug #100301
mysql> SELECT `col_tinyint_key_signed` FROM table_10_utf8_6 WHERE COS(`col_enum_undef_signed` ); 
| col_tinyint_key_signed |
|                   NULL |
|                   NULL |
|                      0 |
|                   NULL |
|                      0 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

-- it cannot parse the column name with `(`  and `)`
mysql> SELECT `col_tinyint_key_signed` FROM table_10_utf8_6 HAVING COS( `col_varbinary(20)_key_signed` ); 
ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'col_varbinary(20)_key_signed' in 'having clause'

-- parse correct with WHERE and result is correct
mysql> SELECT `col_tinyint_key_signed` FROM table_10_utf8_6 HAVING COS( `col_varbinary(20)_key_signed` ); 
| col_tinyint_key_signed |
|                      0 |
|                   NULL |
2 rows in set, 2 warnings (0.00 sec)

How to repeat:
create table table_10_utf8_6 (
`pk` int primary key,
`col_bigint_undef_signed` bigint  ,
`col_bigint_key_signed` bigint  ,
`col_float_undef_signed` float  ,
`col_float_key_signed` float  ,
`col_double_undef_signed` double  ,
`col_double_key_signed` double  ,
`col_char(20)_undef_signed` char(20)  ,
`col_char(20)_key_signed` char(20)  ,
`col_varchar(20)_undef_signed` varchar(20)  ,
`col_varchar(20)_key_signed` varchar(20)  ,
`col_enum_undef_signed` enum('a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z')  ,
`col_enum_key_signed` enum('a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z')  ,
`col_tinyint_undef_signed` tinyint  ,
`col_tinyint_key_signed` tinyint  ,
`col_smallint_undef_signed` smallint  ,
`col_smallint_key_signed` smallint  ,
`col_binary(10)_undef_signed` binary(10)  ,
`col_binary(10)_key_signed` binary(10)  ,
`col_varbinary(20)_undef_signed` varbinary(20)  ,
`col_varbinary(20)_key_signed` varbinary(20)  ,
key (`col_bigint_key_signed`),
key (`col_float_key_signed`),
key (`col_double_key_signed`),
key (`col_char(20)_key_signed`),
key (`col_varchar(20)_key_signed`),
key (`col_enum_key_signed`),
key (`col_tinyint_key_signed`),
key (`col_smallint_key_signed`),
key (`col_binary(10)_key_signed`),
key (`col_varbinary(20)_key_signed`)
) character set utf8 
partition by hash(pk)
partitions 6;

insert into table_10_utf8_6 values (0,null,-0,-18,12.991,100,20279,'y','r',null,null,'z','j','z',null,'a','j','k','v','w',null),(1,73.1276,3.0556,12.991,1.009,0,-9.183,"think","with","because",null,'g',null,null,null,null,null,'f','b','u',null),(2,-0,1,-16292,-0,null,6.1654,'o','j',"as",'t','c','o',null,null,null,null,null,'s',"back",'f'),(3,-9.183,31979,null,-9.183,19569,12.991,"her",'n',null,'r','c','p',null,"did",'j',"at",'y',null,null,null),(4,1,-9.183,11506,13587,4075,0,"the",null,'m','y',null,null,"we","be",null,'b',null,'g',null,null),(5,1.009,64.1466,12.991,0,null,46,"got",null,null,'z','t','r','u','m','g','s','y',null,"can",null),(6,-86,12.991,12597,0,70.1485,1.009,'k',null,"up",null,'e','t','d','j','y',null,'d','d','i',null),(7,-9.183,100,35.0346,95.1356,0,-9.183,'y','v',null,"now",'m','f',"all","okay",null,'p','w','g','m',"your"),(8,27,null,100,null,null,100,null,'s',null,"who",'k',null,'y',"they","yes","something",'b','n',null,null),(9,-10,-9.183,0,54.0798,56.1058,-28528,"could","look",null,'m',null,'x',null,'a',"come",null,'b','k','s',null);

SELECT `col_tinyint_key_signed` FROM table_10_utf8_6 HAVING COS(`col_enum_undef_signed` ); 

SELECT `col_tinyint_key_signed` FROM table_10_utf8_6 WHERE COS(`col_enum_undef_signed` );

SELECT `col_tinyint_key_signed` FROM table_10_utf8_6 HAVING COS( `col_varbinary(20)_key_signed` ); 

SELECT `col_tinyint_key_signed` FROM table_10_utf8_6 WHERE COS( `col_varbinary(20)_key_signed` ); 

Suggested fix:
Two possible fixe for the second case:

1. It should prohibit the user from using the illegal identifier with `(` and `)`;
2. It should allow the user to use the `(` and `)` in a query when the identifier is quoted.

The usage of the identifier when be consistent when creating the table and using in a query.
[30 Jul 2020 7:05] Yushan ZHANG
Correct the version, it should be 5.7.31, the first one was a typo.
[30 Jul 2020 12:55] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Yushan ZHANG,

Thank you for the report and test case.
Observed that 5.6.48, 5.7.31 are affected.

[31 Jul 2020 7:13] Yushan ZHANG
Another case that `HAVING` doesn't work:

-- error
mysql>  SELECT `col_varchar(20)_undef_signed` FROM table_10_utf8_6 HAVING ! `col_float_key_signed`;
ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'col_float_key_signed' in 'having clause'

-- executable
mysql>  SELECT `col_varchar(20)_undef_signed` FROM table_10_utf8_6 WHERE ! `col_float_key_signed`;
[10 Mar 2023 13:25] ZongYin Hao
According to doc of mysql https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/select.html:

"The SQL standard requires that HAVING must reference only columns in the GROUP BY clause or columns used in aggregate functions. However, MySQL supports an extension to this behavior, and permits HAVING to refer to columns in the SELECT list and columns in outer subqueries as well."

So I think it's not a bug.