Bug #100046 Very slow plan with combination of OR+noncorrelated subqueries+ORDER BY+LIMIT
Submitted: 30 Jun 2020 9:43 Modified: 30 Jun 2020 13:00
Reporter: Saverio Miroddi Email Updates:
Status: Not a Bug Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Optimizer Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:8.0.20 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[30 Jun 2020 9:43] Saverio Miroddi
On a query in the form:

    SELECT *
    FROM (table)
      id IN (noncorrelated subquery)
      OR id IN (noncorrelated subquery)
    ORDER BY (fields)
    LIMIT (num);

The optimizer rewrites the noncorrelated subqueries as correlated, causing a significantly suboptimal plan (>30" vs <0.10").

Several considerations can be made about the plan. One of the most interesting is that `LIMIT` is a necessary condition for the conversion of the subqueries to correlated: if the clause is removed, the subqueries are materialzed, leading to a still suboptimal, but now acceptable plan.

Rewriting the query as UNION leads to the optimal plan.

How to repeat:
Since the query reveals many details about our data model, I'm sending everything as private.
[30 Jun 2020 9:51] Saverio Miroddi
Uploaded dataset as `mysql-bug-data-100046.zip`.
[30 Jun 2020 10:19] Saverio Miroddi
Corrected the title.
[30 Jun 2020 13:00] MySQL Verification Team
Hi Mr. Miroddi,

Thank you for your bug report.

However, this is not a bug.

These nested queries are not correlated, but they are definitely dependent ones. That makes the execution much, much slower on any RDBMS. You can simplify your query and eliminate the nested queries. 

Not a bug.