Bug #100041 X DevApi User Guide: error in example code
Submitted: 30 Jun 2020 0:53 Modified: 20 Jan 2021 15:33
Reporter: Andrew Klossner Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:Connector / C++ Documentation Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:as of 2020 06 29 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[30 Jun 2020 0:53] Andrew Klossner
On page
In the first C++ code example, the first line:
RowResult res = mysession.sql("SELECT name, age FROM users").execute();
should instead be:
SqlResult res = mysession.sql("SELECT name, age FROM users").execute();

How to repeat:

Suggested fix:
Change the example as shown
[30 Jun 2020 5:12] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Andrew,

Thank you for the report!

[20 Jan 2021 15:33] David Moss
Thank you for your feedback, this has been fixed in the docs.