Bug #32057 MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver crashes ODBC Administrator
Submitted: 2 Nov 2007 16:48 Modified: 7 Jul 2008 15:25
Reporter: Theo Hultberg Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:Connector / ODBC Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:3.51.21 and 5.1 OS:MacOS (Mac OS X 10.4 Intel and 10.5 Intel)
Assigned to: Jim Winstead CPU Architecture:Any

File: Maximum allowed size is 50MB.

If the data you need to attach is more than 50MB, you should create a compressed archive of the data, split it to 50MB chunks, and upload each of them as a separate attachment.

To split a large file:

[2 Nov 2007 16:50] Theo Hultberg
The ODB Administrator crash log

Attachment: ODBC Administrator.crash.log (, text), 146.37 KiB.

[8 Nov 2007 10:29] Theo Hultberg
ODBC Administrator crash log (Mac OS X 10.5)

Attachment: ODBC Administrator_2007-11-08-112522_babel.crash (, text), 19.87 KiB.

[6 May 2008 17:51] B Adams
Trace of libmyodbc3s.so-related ODBC administrator crash on 10.5.2(PPC)

Attachment: ppc_odbc_crashtrace.txt (text/plain), 20.83 KiB.