Bug #30312 MySQL 5.0.41+ segfaults when using an aggregate UDF in a HAVING clause
Submitted: 8 Aug 2007 15:51 Modified: 10 Dec 2007 12:17
Reporter: Colin Guthrie Email Updates:
Status: Can't repeat Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: User-defined functions ( UDF ) Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.0.41 and above. OS:Any (Tested on Linux and OSX)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: regression

File: Maximum allowed size is 50MB.

If the data you need to attach is more than 50MB, you should create a compressed archive of the data, split it to 50MB chunks, and upload each of them as a separate attachment.

To split a large file:

[8 Aug 2007 15:52] Colin Guthrie
Example UDF. It accepts an integer argument but always returns the string "42".

Attachment: bug.cc (text/x-c++src), 1.81 KiB.

[8 Aug 2007 15:56] Colin Guthrie
Normal backtrace (with debug).

Attachment: mysql.backtrace.txt (text/plain), 1.96 KiB.

[8 Aug 2007 15:57] Colin Guthrie
Full backtrace.

Attachment: mysql.backtrace.full.txt (text/plain), 4.59 KiB.