Bug #67964 Generate database from simple model fails in Visual Studio 2012
Submitted: 22 Dec 2012 7:16 Modified: 28 Nov 2013 21:10
Reporter: Daniel McGloin Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Visual Studio Integration Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:6.6.4 OS:Windows (8)
Assigned to: Gabriela Martinez Sanchez CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: tools-1.0.3, tools-1.1.1

[22 Dec 2012 7:16] Daniel McGloin
In Visual Studio 2012, I get the following error when working through a basic example from this page:


Error message in dialog: "Encountered the following errors while processing the template 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Microsoft\Entity Framework Tools\DBGen\SSDLToMySQL.tt: "

How to repeat:
Install Windows 8 (not sure if necessary)
Install Visual Studio 2012 w/ SP1 (not sure if SP1 is necessary)
Install MySQL w/ .NET Connector

Create a new web site project
Add an Entity model (.edmx)
Add a single entity

Change the model's "DDL Generation Template" property to: "SSDLToMySQL.tt (VS)"

Right-click the model and choose "Generate Database from Model.."

Establish a connection to an empty freshly created MySQL database

Click Next to view auto-generated DDL

Click Finish

Error dialog appears with message:

"Encountered the following errors while processing the template 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Microsoft\Entity Framework Tools\DBGen\SSDLToMySQL.tt: "
[23 Jan 2013 18:56] Fernando Gonzalez.Sanchez

Yes, this seems to happen the first time, we are checking on a fix.

Oddly enough, the workaround is to try again, the problem just seems to happen the first time.
[24 Feb 2013 1:00] Bugs System
No feedback was provided for this bug for over a month, so it is
being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the
information that was originally requested, please do so and change
the status of the bug back to "Open".
[29 May 2013 20:52] Fernando Gonzalez.Sanchez
This is verified, it fails in VS2012 for EF 5 (although works for EF 4.3).

The error provided is by Visual Studio is something like:

Encountered the following errors while processing the template 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Microsoft\Entity Framework Tools\DBGen\SSDLToMySQL.tt:
Line 132, Column 0:' Running transformation:
System.ArgumentException: Version string portion was to short or too long.
at System.Version.VersionResult.SetFailure( ParserFailureKind failure, String argument )
at System.Version.TryParserVersion( String version, VersionResult& result )
at System.Version.Parser( String input )
at System.Version..ctor(String version )
at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlScriptServices.GetTableCreateScript( EntitySet entitySet, String connectionSTring, String version )
Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextTemplatingEC7AD8F9FBE0E4583F2618228C4182E3CCEE1C700F320D1F98B9908646EAFA8024A750223ACC9C5A71B36A0AEE5FD12A02298E7F752E89E2BAE365DAC8A8BB03.GeneratedTextTransformation.TransformText() in c:\Program Files(x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Microsoft\Entity Framework Tools\DBGen\SSDLToMySQL.tt:line 133'
[29 May 2013 20:52] Fernando Gonzalez.Sanchez

The problem seems to be the model.edmx file has a a wrong manifest token,pointing to MSSQL, like:

      <Schema xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2009/02/edm/ssdl" Namespace="Model2.Store" Alias="Self" Provider="System.Data.SqlClient" ProviderManifestToken="2005">

Changing it to MySql like

      <Schema xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2009/02/edm/ssdl" Namespace="Model2.Store" Alias="Self" Provider="MySql.Data.MySqlClient" ProviderManifestToken="5.6">

Makes the model generation work fine.

Making priority P3 due to workaround.
[23 Aug 2013 22:55] Lukas Faber
Having the same issue with current VS2012, EF5 and Connector ... 

After applying the workaround I am still getting an error ... will upload screenshot ...
[23 Aug 2013 22:56] Lukas Faber
Error appearing on current VS2012, EF5 and Connector

Attachment: Screen Shot 2013-08-23 at 3.51.29 PM.png (image/png, text), 26.72 KiB.

[20 Sep 2013 23:48] Ulrich Strauss
To workaround the problem you have to do 3 Things:

a) Add an entry for the connection to use in app.conig/web.config in "connectionStrings". E.g. Simply import any empyt DB from the ame server with saving the connection. Make sure it's teh FIRST entry in connectionStrings.

b) In "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Microsoft\Entity Framework Tools\DBGen\SSDLToMySQL.tt" alter Line 121  
string serverVersion = GetProviderManifestToken(edmxPath);
string serverVersion = String.Empty;

c) make sure the Schema-Tag in the edmx Files reads
Provider="MySql.Data.MySqlClient" ProviderManifestToken="5.5"

This works fine. Just need to execute the sql script manually.
[20 Nov 2013 21:47] Armando Lopez Valencia
Posted by developer:
Verified in:
Windows 8x64
VS 2013
Windows 7x64
VS 2010
MySQL Server 5.6
connector .NET 6.8.1
M4VS 1.1.1 Build20
You have to select the correct "DDL Generation template" (In the entity property) for this option to work properly.
A known issue has been found in VS2010 that forces you to go back and forward in order to create the script.
[28 Nov 2013 21:10] Daniel So
Added the following entry to the MySQL for Visual Studio 1.1.1 changelog:

"Generation of database from a simple model failed in Visual Studio 2012.
Important: For this fix to work, you have to select the correct DDL Generation Template as an entity property. Also, there is a known issue found with Visual Studio 2010, which forces the user to go back and forth between steps in order to create the SQL script. "