Bug #9978 MySQL crash when Natural Right Join is used with no conditions
Submitted: 18 Apr 2005 16:10 Modified: 18 Apr 2005 18:41
Reporter: Disha Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.0.3 Beta/5.0.5 BK OS:Windows (Windows)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[18 Apr 2005 16:10] Disha
When natural join is used between two tables, where none of the column names are same, the server crashes on its execution.

How to repeat:
1. Use test database 
Use test;

2. Create a table 't1' as follows:
	 Drop table if exists t1//
              Create table t1(f1 int,f2 int)//
              Insert into t1 values(1,10)//
              Insert into t1 values(2,20)//
3.Create a table say 't2' as follws:
               Drop table if exists t2// 
               Create table t2(f3 int,f4 int)//
               Insert into t2 values(12,21)//
               Insert into t2 values(23,24)// 
4. Execute natural right join:
               Select * from t1 natural right join t2//

| f1   | f2   | f3   | f4   |
| NULL | NULL |   12 |   21 |
| NULL | NULL |   23 |   24 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server during query
[18 Apr 2005 16:11] Disha
Upated Synopsis
[18 Apr 2005 16:24] MySQL Verification Team
Tested on windows with 5.0.5.
[18 Apr 2005 18:41] Trudy Pelzer
Duplicate; see Bug#6276.
[25 Aug 2005 9:42] Jon Stephens
Noted fix in 5.0.12 changelog (see Bug#6276).