Bug #91831 MySQL Installer unable to configure MySQL Server 8.0
Submitted: 30 Jul 2018 12:10 Modified: 31 Jul 2018 7:11
Reporter: Hamees Khan Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL for Windows: Installer Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version: OS:Windows
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:ARM

[30 Jul 2018 12:10] Hamees Khan
Today, I tried to install MySQL server 8.0 from mysql installer. Everything worked fine till the installer started to configure MySQL server. The configuration wizard passed good asking about port, root password, usernames but when it started to apply the configuration to my newly installed MySQL server it got stuck there. I waited for a long time but nothing happened.

I removed MySQL server and installed it and once again it got stuck at "Starting MySQL Server..."

Because of this, the server's root password remains set as the temporary password generated during installation.

Starting MySQL server from services.msc will cause sudden start and stop.

How to repeat:
Just installing the MySQL server through MySQL community installer will reproduce it.

Suggested fix:
The issue was with the default configuration file "my.ini" created by the installer
It was two major error values for variables.
First one was, default-authentication-plugin=0.0
This produced an error while initializing  MySQL server.

Second is with lower-case-table-names=0.0
MySql server printed an error and shutdown.

For accessing root account, you have to read the server error lop file for temporary password.
[30 Jul 2018 12:14] Hamees Khan

To fix the problem.
[31 Jul 2018 7:11] Chiranjeevi Battula
Hello Hamees Khan,

Thank you for the bug report.
This is most likely duplicate of Bug #91476, please see Bug #91476
