Bug #89443 Attempt to select table for forward engineering - external component exception
Submitted: 26 Jan 2018 22:22 Modified: 29 Jan 2018 17:06
Reporter: Jay Jaeger Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: Modeling Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:6.3.9 Build 10690321 CD OS:Windows (Windows 10 Pro X64)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: forward engineer, model, table

[26 Jan 2018 22:22] Jay Jaeger
I have a model which I had previously used to generate a set of tables.  I renamed one of the tables. 

I get this error:

"MySQL Workbench has encountered a problem"
"External component has thrown an exception"

How to repeat:
Database => Forward Engineer... 
Connection: Used defaults (already set up) 
Options: Used defaults (only Include model attached scripts checked)
Select Objects:  Export MySQL Table Objects, Show Filter
- Select a table and click > or 
- Click on >> 

I get this error:

"MySQL Workbench has encountered a problem"
"External component has thrown an exception"

(NOTE:  If I forward engineer *without* making a selection, it works fine).
[26 Jan 2018 23:22] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report. Please try version 6.3.10, if the issue persists provide the model file using Files tab (private if you wish). Thanks.
[27 Jan 2018 15:20] Jay Jaeger
Yes, it still fails in 6.3.10.  Uploading model now...
[29 Jan 2018 6:22] Chiranjeevi Battula
Hello Jay Jaeger,

Thank you for the bug report.
This is most likely duplicate of Bug #85522, please see Bug #85522

[29 Jan 2018 17:06] Jay Jaeger
Yes, I agree that they seem to be the same issue.  I did search, but did not come across that one in my search.