Bug #82823 Update GMock download link
Submitted: 31 Aug 2016 12:44 Modified: 15 Sep 2016 14:01
Reporter: Alexey Kopytov Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Compiling Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.6, 5.7 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[31 Aug 2016 12:44] Alexey Kopytov
The URL used my unittest/gunit/CMakeLists.txt is no longer valid:

-- Download failed, error: 22;"HTTP response code said error"
-- To enable google test, please download http://googlemock.googlecode.com/files/gmock-1.7.0.zip to the directory /home/ubuntu/src/git/mysql-server/source_downloads

Indeed, that URL leads to HTTP 404. The new one is apparently

How to repeat:
Build with -DENABLE_DOWNLOADS, read the CMake log.

Suggested fix:
Fix the URL to http://github.com/google/googletest/archive/release-1.7.0.zip
[31 Aug 2016 12:52] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Alexey,

Thank you for the report.

[2 Sep 2016 14:17] OCA Admin
Contribution submitted via Github - Bug #82823: Update GMock download link 
(*) Contribution by Alexey Kopytov (Github akopytov, mysql-server/pull/93#issuecomment-244058404): I confirm the code being submitted is offered under the terms of the OCA, and that I am authorized to contribute it.

Contribution: git_patch_83448947.txt (text/plain), 7.14 KiB.

[15 Sep 2016 14:01] Paul DuBois
Posted by developer:
Noted in 5.6.34, 5.7.16, 8.0.1 changelogs.

Unit testing now uses Google Mock 1.8
[28 Sep 2016 15:12] Paul DuBois
Posted by developer:
Noted in 5.6.35 (not 5.6.34), 5.7.17 (not 5.7.16) changelogs.
[13 Oct 2016 7:24] Ståle Deraas
Posted by developer:
Hi Alexey, We fixed this by in addition upgrading the GMock version