Bug #81283 JSON replace or merge_replace function
Submitted: 2 May 2016 14:24 Modified: 1 Aug 2017 6:07
Reporter: Manyi Lu Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: JSON Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:8.0 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: json, merge, sql functions

[2 May 2016 14:24] Manyi Lu
Michael Slowik requested this feature at MySQL Innovation Day.

JSON_MERGE('{ "a": 1, "b":2 }','{ "a": 3, "c":4 }');
returns { "a": [1,3], "b":2, "c": 4}

He wants a JSON_Merge_Replace function.
JSON_Merge_Replace('{ "a": 1, "b":2}','{ "a": 3, "c":4 }');
returns '{ "a": 3, "b":2, "c": 4}'

How to repeat:
JSON_MERGE('{ "a": 1, "b":2 }','{ "a": 3, "c":4 }');
returns { "a": [1,3], "b":2, "c": 4}

He wants a JSON_Merge_Replace function.
JSON_Merge_Replace('{ "a": 1, "b":2}','{ "a": 3, "c":4 }');
returns '{ "a": 3, "b":2, "c": 4}'
[10 May 2016 4:56] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Manyi Lu,

Thank you for the reasonable feature request!

[1 Aug 2017 6:07] Jon Stephens
Fixed in MySQL 8.0.3 through addition of JSON_MERGE_PATCH() function and renaming of JSON_MERGE() to JSON_MERGE_PRESERVE().
