Bug #78931 defining column on table diagram must resize the panel first
Submitted: 22 Oct 2015 22:50 Modified: 9 Dec 2015 16:54
Reporter: hEnDRa DiNatA Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: Modeling Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:6.3.5 OS:Windows (Microsoft Windows 8.1 Enterprise)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: column name, place a table, WBBugReporter

[22 Oct 2015 22:50] hEnDRa DiNatA
----[For better reports, please attach the log file after submitting. You can find it in C:\Users\hdinata\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\log\wb.log]

Trying to define columns after Place a new Table in the diagram, should resize the height panel first because the column field is hidden

How to repeat:
Place a new table in the diagram. Double click the table.
But the column field (Column Name, Datatype, PK, NN, etc) is hidden.
I tried to resize the panel to be higher so that the column field appears.

Suggested fix:
Make it looks like version 6.3.4
The column property is on the right side, not on the bottom
[22 Oct 2015 22:52] hEnDRa DiNatA
the screenshot

Attachment: bug.png (image/png, text), 24.18 KiB.

[23 Oct 2015 12:15] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report.
[13 Nov 2015 12:17] MySQL Verification Team
http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=79267 marked as duplicate of this one.
[1 Dec 2015 22:52] MySQL Verification Team
http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=79485 marked as duplicate of this one.
[9 Dec 2015 8:05] Mike Lischke
Bug #79560 marked as duplicate of this bug.
[9 Dec 2015 16:54] Philip Olson
Fixed as of the upcoming MySQL Workbench 6.3.6 release, and here's the
changelog entry:

After placing a new table on an EER diagram, and double-clicking on the
new table, the column fields were hidden.

Thank you for the bug report.