Bug #78549 Append Data - Incompatible data types warnings not linked correctly
Submitted: 25 Sep 2015 6:16 Modified: 23 Oct 2015 0:09
Reporter: Javier Treviño Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL for Windows: MySQL for Excel Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:1.2.1 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[25 Sep 2015 6:16] Javier Treviño
In the Append Data dialog, whenever a column from the source (upper) grid is drag and dropped into another column on the target (lower) grid, a check for data types compatibility is run. The warning is being incorrectly displayed on the source column when it should appear on the target one. This is because the source column can be mapped to multiple target columns, so linking the warning to the source column could be misleading.

For example if a source column of type varchar is mapped to a target column of type integer, a warning appeared, then if the same source column is mapped to a second decimal column, the warning was already displayed on the source column. So far so good, but then if one of the 2 target columns is unmapped (its mapping is removed) the warning disappears from the source column even though there is still another target column with an incompatible type.

How to repeat:
1. Open MySQL for Excel
2. Open a connection to a MySQL server, select a schema and a table
3. Import the contents of any table that contains columns of different data types.
4. Select 1 or more rows of the imported data
5. Click Append Excel Data to Table
6. Select Manual from the mapping method combo
7. Drag a source column of one data type to a target column of a different data type (for example source = varchar, target = integer)
8. NOTE a warning appears stating the data types are incompatible, and the cells of the source column are colored red (indicating there is a warning associated to that column).
9. Drag the same source column of the previous step to a different target column still with a different data type (for example source = varchar, target = decimal)
10. Remvoe the column mapping from step 7 by right clicking that target column and selecting "Remove Mapping"
11. Note how the warning disappears and the source column cells are no longer colored red, although there is still the incompatibility introduced on step 9.
[23 Oct 2015 0:09] Philip Olson
Posted by developer:
Fixed as of the upcoming MySQL for Excel 1.3.5 release, and here's the changelog entry:

Changed the way data type related warnings are linked to grid columns in
the Append Data dialog. Now the warnings are linked to the target (lower)
grid view columns, because a single source column can be mapped to
multiple target columns, and the warnings are about source data not being
suitable for the target column's data type.

Thank you for the bug report.