Bug #77876 Connecting to a DB in Mysql Workbench on Windows 10 - 64bit creates an error
Submitted: 29 Jul 2015 20:30 Modified: 29 Jul 2015 21:15
Reporter: aaron olin Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version: build 592 OS:Windows (Windows 10 - 64bit)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[29 Jul 2015 20:30] aaron olin
Just upgraded to Windows 10 and tried running Mysql Workbench. Upon trying to connect to a db, an error pops up stating "The type initializer for 'HtmlRenderer.Utils.FontsUtils' threw an exception." The program does not close right away, but when I then exit the program, I get a "Mysql Workbench has stopped working" error

How to repeat:
1. Open up Mysql Workbench
2. Open a Connection to a database
3. Error pops up right away
4. Close Program
5. Program crashes / stopped working error
[29 Jul 2015 21:07] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report. Duplicate of https://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=75673 and others.
[29 Jul 2015 21:15] aaron olin
I just fixed it using the recompiled HtmlRenderer.dll file found at the following URL: http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=75344


HtmlRenderer.dll - http://bugs.mysql.com/file.php?id=22870&bug_id=75344

[21 Jun 20:03] Frank Quintero

Here it is! Recompiled with the fix!

Attachment: HtmlRenderer.dll (application/x-msdownload, text), 237.00 KiB.