Bug #77424 Poor choices by query planner on innodb table vs myisam
Submitted: 22 Jun 2015 6:39 Modified: 14 Aug 2015 17:01
Reporter: MySQL Admin Email Updates:
Status: No Feedback Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Optimizer Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.5.43, 5.6.25 OS:Debian (Wheezy)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: indexes, innodb, query planner

[22 Jun 2015 6:39] MySQL Admin
I have several (though I am using only one for a test) queries that go from workable to unusable when I change the table type from MyISAM to InnoDB.

Essentially it appears that MySQL loses the ability to choose the correct query plan for the SQL given under InnoDB. Under MyISAM it's just fine. The end result of this is that whilst the query takes ~0.0s under MyISAM, it can take >5m with InnoDB (>30s if the data is in the InnoDB buffer - ie query is run a 2nd time).

Using FORCE INDEX on the InnoDB query, though, restores performance to where it should be. This is unworkable, though, as the query is dynamically created and, so, it can get quite hairy trying to figure out the index for this and other queries in PHP.

This leads to a loss of functionality for the app in question to the extent that it becomes essentially unusable.

The OS is Debian, Wheezy. MySQL 5.5.43 is the standard Debian package. 5.6.25 is a local build of MySQL.

How to repeat:
Essentially, I can run these queries and no matter what, the result is the same:

mysql> EXPLAIN SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE t.id as t_id, t.mask as t_mask, t.subject as t_subject, t.is_waiting as t_is_waiting, t.is_closed as t_is_closed, t.is_deleted as t_is_deleted, t.first_wrote_address_id as t_first_wrote_address_id, t.last_wrote_address_id as t_last_wrote_address_id, t.first_message_id as t_first_message_id, t.last_message_id as t_last_message_id, a1.email as t_first_wrote, a1.first_name as a1_first_name, a1.last_name as a1_last_name, a1.num_spam as t_first_wrote_spam, a1.num_nonspam as t_first_wrote_nonspam, a2.email as t_last_wrote, a2.first_name as a2_first_name, a2.last_name as a2_last_name, a1.contact_org_id as t_first_contact_org_id, t.created_date as t_created_date, t.updated_date as t_updated_date, t.spam_training as t_spam_training, t.spam_score as t_spam_score, t.last_action_code as t_last_action_code FROM ticket t INNER JOIN address a1 ON (a1.id=t.first_wrote_address_id) INNER JOIN address a2 ON (a2.id=t.last_wrote_address_id)    WHERE 1 ORDER BY t_updated_date DESC  LIMIT 0,10;
| id | select_type | table | type   | possible_keys                                | key          | key_len | ref                           | rows | Extra                 |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | t     | index  | first_wrote_address_id,last_wrote_address_id | updated_date | 5       | NULL                          |   10 | NULL                  |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | a1    | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                      | PRIMARY      | 4       | cerb.t.first_wrote_address_id |    1 | Using index condition |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | a2    | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                      | PRIMARY      | 4       | cerb.t.last_wrote_address_id  |    1 | Using index condition |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> EXPLAIN SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE t.id as t_id, t.mask as t_mask, t.subject as t_subject, t.is_waiting as t_is_waiting, t.is_closed as t_is_closed, t.is_deleted as t_is_deleted, t.first_wrote_address_id as t_first_wrote_address_id, t.last_wrote_address_id as t_last_wrote_address_id, t.first_message_id as t_first_message_id, t.last_message_id as t_last_message_id, a1.email as t_first_wrote, a1.first_name as a1_first_name, a1.last_name as a1_last_name, a1.num_spam as t_first_wrote_spam, a1.num_nonspam as t_first_wrote_nonspam, a2.email as t_last_wrote, a2.first_name as a2_first_name, a2.last_name as a2_last_name, a1.contact_org_id as t_first_contact_org_id, t.created_date as t_created_date, t.updated_date as t_updated_date, t.spam_training as t_spam_training, t.spam_score as t_spam_score, t.last_action_code as t_last_action_code FROM ticket t INNER JOIN address a1 ON (a1.id=t.first_wrote_address_id) INNER JOIN address a2 ON (a2.id=t.last_wrote_address_id)    WHERE 1 ORDER BY t_updated_date DESC  LIMIT 0,10;
| id | select_type | table | type   | possible_keys                                | key                    | key_len | ref                          | rows   | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | a1    | ALL    | PRIMARY                                      | NULL                   | NULL    | NULL                         | 380923 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | t     | ref    | first_wrote_address_id,last_wrote_address_id | first_wrote_address_id | 4       | cerb.a1.id                   |     13 | Using index condition           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | a2    | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                      | PRIMARY                | 4       | cerb.t.last_wrote_address_id |      1 | Using where                     |
3 rows in set (0.01 sec)

mysql> EXPLAIN SELECT t.id as t_id, t.mask as t_mask, t.subject as t_subject, t.is_waiting as t_is_waiting, t.is_closed as t_is_closed, t.is_deleted as t_is_deleted, t.first_wrote_address_id as t_first_wrote_address_id, t.last_wrote_address_id as t_last_wrote_address_                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       t_last_wrote, a2.first_name as a2_first_name, a2.last_name as a2_last_name, a1.contact_org_id as t_first_contact_org_id, t.created_date as t_created_date, t.updated_date as t_updated_date, t.spam_training as t_spam_training, t.spam_score as t_spam_score, t.last_action_code as t_last_action_code FROM ticket t FORCE INDEX (updated_date) INNER JOIN address a1 ON (a1.id=t.first_wrote_address_id) INNER JOIN address a2 ON (a2.id=t.last_wrote_address_id)    WHERE 1 ORDER BY t_updated_date DESC  LIMIT 0,10;
| id | select_type | table | type   | possible_keys | key          | key_len | ref                           | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | t     | index  | NULL          | updated_date | 5       | NULL                          |   10 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | a2    | eq_ref | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY      | 4       | cerb.t.last_wrote_address_id  |    1 | Using where |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | a1    | eq_ref | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY      | 4       | cerb.t.first_wrote_address_id |    1 | Using where |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

CREATE TABLE `ticket` (
  `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `mask` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `subject` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `is_closed` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `is_deleted` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `team_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `category_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `first_message_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `created_date` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `updated_date` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `due_date` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `first_wrote_address_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `last_wrote_address_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `spam_score` double NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `spam_training` varchar(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `interesting_words` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `is_waiting` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `last_action_code` varchar(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'O',
  `last_message_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  KEY `first_message_id` (`first_message_id`),
  KEY `mask` (`mask`),
  KEY `is_waiting` (`is_waiting`),
  KEY `team_id` (`team_id`),
  KEY `created_date` (`created_date`),
  KEY `updated_date` (`updated_date`),
  KEY `first_wrote_address_id` (`first_wrote_address_id`),
  KEY `last_wrote_address_id` (`last_wrote_address_id`),
  KEY `is_closed` (`is_closed`),
  KEY `category_id` (`category_id`),
  KEY `due_date` (`due_date`),
  KEY `is_deleted` (`is_deleted`),
  KEY `last_action_code` (`last_action_code`),
  KEY `spam_score` (`spam_score`),
  KEY `last_message_id` (`last_message_id`),
  KEY `subject` (`subject`)

CREATE TABLE `address` (
  `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `email` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `first_name` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `last_name` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `contact_org_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `num_spam` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `num_nonspam` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `is_banned` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `last_autoreply` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `is_registered` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `pass` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `service_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  UNIQUE KEY `email` (`email`),
  KEY `contact_org_id` (`contact_org_id`),
  KEY `num_spam` (`num_spam`),
  KEY `num_nonspam` (`num_nonspam`),
  KEY `is_banned` (`is_banned`),
  KEY `last_autoreply` (`last_autoreply`),
  KEY `is_registered` (`is_registered`),
  KEY `first_name` (`first_name`(4)),
  KEY `last_name` (`last_name`(4))


A different query that exhibits the same issues:

mysql> EXPLAIN SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE t.id as t_id, t.mask as t_mask, t.subject as t_subject, t.is_waiting as t_is_waiting, t.is_closed as t_is_closed, t.is_deleted as t_is_deleted, t.first_wrote_address_id as t_first_wrote_address_id, t.last_wrote_address_id as t_last_wrote_address_id, t.first_message_id as t_first_message_id, t.first_outgoing_message_id as t_first_outgoing_message_id, t.last_message_id as t_last_message_id, a1.email as t_first_wrote, a1.first_name as a1_first_name, a1.last_name as a1_last_name, a1.num_spam as t_first_wrote_spam, a1.num_nonspam as t_first_wrote_nonspam, a2.email as t_last_wrote, a2.first_name as a2_first_name, a2.last_name as a2_last_name, a1.contact_org_id as t_first_contact_org_id, t.created_date as t_created_date, t.updated_date as t_updated_date, t.closed_at as t_closed_at, t.reopen_at as t_reopen_at, t.spam_training as t_spam_training, t.spam_score as t_spam_score, t.last_action_code as t_last_action_code, t.num_messages as t_num_messages, t.elapsed_response_first as t_elapsed_response_first, t.elapsed_resolution_first as t_elapsed_resolution_first, t.owner_id as t_owner_id, t.importance as t_importance, t.group_id as t_group_id, t.bucket_id as t_bucket_id, t.org_id as t_org_id ,(SELECT field_value FROM custom_field_stringvalue WHERE t.id=context_id AND field_id=7 ORDER BY field_value LIMIT 1) AS cf_7 FROM ticket t INNER JOIN address a1 ON (t.first_wrote_address_id=a1.id) INNER JOIN address a2 ON (t.last_wrote_address_id=a2.id)    WHERE t.is_closed = '0' AND t.group_id IN ('734','735') ORDER BY t_updated_date ASC  LIMIT 0,10;        
| id | select_type        | table                    | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key          | key_len | ref                           | rows | Extra                       |
|  1 | PRIMARY            | t                        | index  | team_id,first_wrote_address_id,last_wrote_address_id,is_closed | updated_date | 5       | NULL                          |  594 | Using where                 |
|  1 | PRIMARY            | a1                       | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                        | PRIMARY      | 4       | cerb.t.first_wrote_address_id |    1 | Using where                 |
|  1 | PRIMARY            | a2                       | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                        | PRIMARY      | 4       | cerb.t.last_wrote_address_id  |    1 | Using where                 |
|  2 | DEPENDENT SUBQUERY | custom_field_stringvalue | ref    | field_id,source_id                                             | source_id    | 4       | cerb.t.id                     |    1 | Using where; Using filesort |
4 rows in set (0.01 sec)

+---------+---------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------+-------------+--------------+--------------------------+-------------------------+--------------------+-------------------+----------------------------------+-------------------+--------------+--------------------+-----------------------+----------------------------------+-------------------+--------------+-----mysql> EXPLAIN SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE t.id as t_id, t.mask as t_mask, t.subject as t_subject, t.is_waiting as t_is_waiting, t.is_closed as t_is_closed, t.is_deleted as t_is_deleted, t.first_wrote_address_id as t_first_wrote_address_id, t.last_wrote_address_id as t_last_wrote_address_id, t.first_message_id as t_first_message_id, t.first_outgoing_message_id as t_first_outgoing_message_id, t.last_message_id as t_last_message_id, a1.email as t_first_wrote, a1.first_name as a1_first_name, a1.last_name as a1_last_name, a1.num_spam as t_first_wrote_spam, a1.num_nonspam as t_first_wrote_nonspam, a2.email as t_last_wrote, a2.first_name as a2_first_name, a2.last_name as a2_last_name, a1.contact_org_id as t_first_contact_org_id, t.created_date as t_created_date, t.updated_date as t_updated_date, t.closed_at as t_closed_at, t.reopen_at as t_reopen_at, t.spam_training as t_spam_training, t.spam_score as t_spam_score, t.last_action_code as t_last_action_code, t.num_messages as t_num_messages, t.elapsed_response_first as t_elapsed_response_first, t.elapsed_resolution_first as t_elapsed_resolution_first, t.owner_id as t_owner_id, t.importance as t_importance, t.group_id as t_group_id, t.bucket_id as t_bucket_id, t.org_id as t_org_id ,(SELECT field_value FROM custom_field_stringvalue WHERE t.id=context_id AND field_id=7 ORDER BY field_value LIMIT 1) AS cf_7 FROM ticket t FORCE INDEX (is_closed, team_id) INNER JOIN address a1 ON (t.first_wrote_address_id=a1.id) INNER JOIN address a2 ON (t.last_wrote_address_id=a2.id)    WHERE t.is_closed = '0' AND t.group_id IN ('734','735') ORDER BY t_updated_date ASC  LIMIT 0,10;
| id | select_type        | table                    | type   | possible_keys      | key       | key_len | ref                           | rows   | Extra                       |
|  1 | PRIMARY            | t                        | ref    | team_id,is_closed  | is_closed | 1       | const                         | 146840 | Using where; Using filesort |
|  1 | PRIMARY            | a1                       | eq_ref | PRIMARY            | PRIMARY   | 4       | cerb.t.first_wrote_address_id |      1 | Using where                 |
|  1 | PRIMARY            | a2                       | eq_ref | PRIMARY            | PRIMARY   | 4       | cerb.t.last_wrote_address_id  |      1 | Using where                 |
|  2 | DEPENDENT SUBQUERY | custom_field_stringvalue | ref    | field_id,source_id | source_id | 4       | cerb.t.id                     |      1 | Using where; Using filesort |
4 rows in set (0.06 sec)

Suggested fix:
No idea. It seems to me that the query planner is broken and that is beyond my ken.
[23 Jun 2015 0:08] Daniel Black
Funny enough after seeing you struggle with this on irc I found the same problem (I wasn't really looking for it).

MariaDB bug and test case https://mariadb.atlassian.net/browse/MDEV-8350 (though translation of seq_1_to_50000 will be needed).
[14 Jul 2015 16:39] Øystein Grøvlen
Thanks for the bug report.  Would it be possible for you to upload optimizer trace for the queries in question? That would make it a bit easier to understand what goes wrong.  See https://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/optimizer-tracing.html for how to obtain optimizer trace.

(Of course, reproducible test cases would be even better.)
[15 Aug 2015 1:00] Bugs System
No feedback was provided for this bug for over a month, so it is
being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the
information that was originally requested, please do so and change
the status of the bug back to "Open".