Bug #7647 ResultSet.getObject returns BigInteger for SMALLINT column; rather than Integer
Submitted: 3 Jan 2005 23:06 Modified: 5 Apr 2005 7:56
Reporter: Kevin Grittner Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MaxDB Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:7.4.3 through OS:Any (any)
Assigned to: Ulf Wendel CPU Architecture:Any

[3 Jan 2005 23:06] Kevin Grittner
Retrieving an object from the ResultSet.getObject method, where the type of the column is SMALLINT, yields a java.math.BigDecimal object.  According to the JDBC 3.0 Specification (table B-3 in appendix B), it should return a java.lang.Integer object.

How to repeat:
    statement.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE TESTSMALLINT (F1 SMALLINT)");
    statement.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO TESTSMALLINT VALUES (1)");
    ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM TESTSMALLINT");
    Object obj = rs.getObject(1);

Should print:  java.lang.Integer
Is printing:  java.math.BigDecimal

Suggested fix:
com.sap.dbtech.jdbc.translators.NumericTranslator.getObject should be modified to insert the second of the following lines among the other (existing) lines:
        case DataType.Dinteger:
        case DataType.Dsmallint:
            return new Integer(this.getInt(controller, mem)); // isnull catched before
            return this.getBigDecimal (controller, mem);
[5 Jan 2005 20:54] Ulf Wendel

this is an excellent bug report. I've verified the bug and I'll keep you informed about the progress.

Ulf Wendel
[6 Jan 2005 10:36] Ulf Wendel
Hello Kevin,

one of the developers has made an offer which we usually don't make. We can provide you with a pre-release version of the next version of the JDBC driver for testing. 

Are you interested?

[6 Jan 2005 12:29] Ulf Wendel
Hello Kevin,

the developers have created an entry on the PTS (problem tracking system). Feel free to track the progress yourself on http://sapdb.org/webpts (Advanced Search => Number => 1133264) once the web database has been synchronized with the internal system.

[5 Apr 2005 7:56] Ulf Wendel
Fixed in - thanks for reporting!