Bug #73314 MySQL for Excel Edit feature on multiple computers
Submitted: 17 Jul 2014 14:30 Modified: 19 May 2017 21:24
Reporter: Dustin Davis Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL for Windows: MySQL for Excel Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:1.2.0 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[17 Jul 2014 14:30] Dustin Davis
Using MySQL for Excel edit feature, I've created a series of spreadsheets that access SQL table, allows the user to make some changes or calculations in another sheet, and then replaces some cells with updated data to be committed. 

With the current version one cannot share these Excel spreadsheets and let others use them, because even if they install MySQL for Excel, the sheets to be edited are not remembered.

How to repeat:
One can try to select a database table called foo_table, and press the Edit MySQL Data button, but that will only open up a new sheet called "Copy 1 of foo_table" that I can edit since the original foo_table already exists, unattached to the SQL DB. This wouldn't be a big deal except for how the rest of a spreadsheet can reference the original foo_table sheet that was being 'edited'. 

Suggested fix:
Upon choosing a table to be edited, give users the option of using an existing sheet on which to apply the import instead of a new sheet.
[7 Feb 2017 8:00] Javier Treviño
This is good feature request, and something that we recognize it's needed for portability reasons. Thanks for submitting this suggestion.
[7 Feb 2017 8:10] Javier Treviño
Posted by developer:
Connection information used to refresh information of MySQL data imported into Excel tables and used by Edit Data sessions that were open when an Excel Workbook is saved, was stored by MySQL for Excel (in versions lower than 1.3.7) in the user settings file. This means that as long as the Workbook was opened using the same Windows account and in the same computer when the Workbook was last saved, Excel tables containing MySQL data would be able to refresh their information and Edit Data sessions would be able to be automatically restored.

If the Workbook was opened with a different Windows account or moved to a different computer, the data refresh and the restoring of Edit Data sessions was not possible.

Starting with MySQL for Excel 1.3.7, connection information related to imported MySQL data into Excel tables and to Edit Data sessions, can now be stored within the Excel Workbook as XML parts when the Workbook is saved, as long as the Workbook file format supports XML parts, otherwise the user settings file is used.
This allows portability of the connection information.
MySQL for Excel will automatically attempt to migrate Import and Edit Data related connection information from the user settings file to the Workbook's XML parts when the Workbook is opened, if the Workbook supports XML parts and connection information related to that Workbook is found in the user settings file.
[19 May 2017 19:25] Rafael Antonio Bedoy Torres
Posted by developer:
Fixed on 1.3.7 build 3
[19 May 2017 21:24] Christine Cole
Posted by developer:
MySQL data could not be refreshed or edited directly in an Excel worksheet by different users or from different computers, which reduced the 
ability to share data-editing sessions among users or between  computers. This fix alters the way connection information is stored by migrating 
the connection details for related import and edit-data operations from the user settings file to the XML parts of a workbook when the workbook 
is opened, and if the workbook supports XML parts and the connection information related to that workbook is found in the user settings file.