Bug #70948 Compound / Anonymous statement blocks for MySQL
Submitted: 18 Nov 2013 23:10 Modified: 22 Mar 2014 18:41
Reporter: Antony Curtis Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Stored Routines Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:5.1+ OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[18 Nov 2013 23:10] Antony Curtis
Implement start of compound statements.
Missing: implementation for ATOMIC ... which should create anonymous save-points as appropriate.

How to repeat:
Build it.
[18 Nov 2013 23:10] Antony Curtis
Patch Contribution.

Attachment: compound-statements.zip (application/zip, text), 8.74 KiB.

[19 Nov 2013 16:41] MySQL Verification Team
Dear Mr. Curtis,

Your contribution is very interesting. Also, as far as I could see, it looks a lot like in the style of DB/2.

What I am missing in your patch is the exact MySQL version against which you have produced your patch.

Thanks in advance.
[21 Nov 2013 14:58] Antony Curtis
Style is not so much DB2 but more aligned with ANSI SQL.

This patch was applied to 5.5.8 but should apply to most 5.5.8+ and even 5.1.
[21 Nov 2013 15:09] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for your contribution. My humble opinion is that this feature can be useful. It seems to me that your patch is of such a quality that I will try to remember your name !!!
[21 Nov 2013 15:30] MySQL Verification Team

There is one small thing that remains to be done. Please, go to this URL and follow the instructions:


Let me know if you have problems.
[21 Nov 2013 15:45] Antony Curtis
Hmm... When I discussed this at MySQL Connect, I was under the impression that I didn't have to because Oracle already has code I have contributed with BSD license. Example: VirtualBox.
[21 Nov 2013 16:04] MySQL Verification Team

Sorry, but all non-employees must sign OCA ...
[21 Nov 2013 18:38] Antony Curtis
No worries. We can continue to patch the server.
[22 Nov 2013 13:24] MySQL Verification Team

Why don't you want to sign OCA ??? It is not harmful in any way. We are very interested in this feature and your patch.

You already have your user / password, so the procedure is quite fast. If you wish, I can give you URL or send you PDF file by mail. Your choice !!!
[22 Mar 2014 18:41] Antony Curtis
I haven't signed OCA because my employer only permits contributing code using BSD 2-clause or Apache 2.0 license.