Bug #70222 ERROR: Could not read entry at offset n : Error in log format or read err
Submitted: 3 Sep 2013 8:53 Modified: 29 Aug 2014 17:03
Reporter: Robert Tejada Petrovic Email Updates:
Status: No Feedback Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Replication Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.6.12 OS:Solaris (11.1)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: event datalen, mysqlbinlog, replication

[3 Sep 2013 8:53] Robert Tejada Petrovic
On Slave:

 Last_IO_Error: Got fatal error 1236 from master when reading data from binary log: 'binlog truncated in the middle of event; consider out of disk space on master; the first event '' at 4, the last event read from '/export/home/mysql/mysslp/redo/durin1_mysslp-bin.000049' at 460233396, the last byte read from '/export/home/mysql/mysslp/redo/durin1_mysslp-bin.000049' at 460233415.'

Processing with mysqlbinlog:

durin1@mysql:mysslp# /usr/ccs/bin/mysqlbinlog durin1_mysslp-bin.000049 > /dev/null
ERROR: Error in Log_event::read_log_event(): 'read error', data_len: 1128408876, event_type: 39
ERROR: Could not read entry at offset 460249745: Error in log format or read error.

Compiled in debug mode:
| | >my_free
| | | my: ptr: 0x0
| | <my_free 138
| <close_cached_file 120
| >table_mapping::clear_tables()
| | >my_hash_reset
| | | enter: hash: 0x7fffd9ef0f20d
| | <my_hash_reset 161
| <table_mapping::clear_tables() 171
| >my_hash_free
| | enter: hash: 0x7fffd9ef0f20
| | >my_free
| | | my: ptr: 0x109bfb0
| | <my_free 138
| <my_hash_free 140
| >free_root
| | enter: root: 0x7fffd9ef0ee0  flags: 0
| <free_root 396
| >table_mapping::clear_tables()
| | >my_hash_reset
| | | enter: hash: 0x7fffd9ef0e88d
| | <my_hash_reset 161
| <table_mapping::clear_tables() 171
| >my_hash_free
| | enter: hash: 0x7fffd9ef0e88
| | >my_free
| | | my: ptr: 0x109bda0
| | <my_free 138
| <my_hash_free 140
| >free_root
| | enter: root: 0x7fffd9ef0e48  flags: 0
| <free_root 396
| >my_free
| | my: ptr: 0x10964e0
| <my_free 138
| >my_free
| | my: ptr: 0x10964c0
| <my_free 138
| >my_free
| | my: ptr: 0x0
| <my_free 138
| >my_free
| | my: ptr: 0x0
| <my_free 138
| >my_free

In reality the problem cames from the event before, where datalen is big than the really event size, then when reads the next datalen isn't reading at header position and tells another bizard size.

I plan to put more info as soon as I get it.


How to repeat:
For the moment doesn't know how to reproduce, but its reproduced by his own more than once per day.
[7 Sep 2013 11:48] Hartmut Holzgraefe
Doesn't look like a server bug, but like file system problem, e.g incomplete write due to full disk (as mentioned in the error message), or binlog event not written completely due to e.g. a power failure ...
[10 Sep 2013 16:11] Robert Tejada Petrovic
Hi Hartmut,
   There wasn't any file system problem at the moment of write binlog, not even any power failure, the problem is reproduced almost once a day, and the binlog file not ends there, there are lot of events writes after this position.

I cannot attach the binlogs due at his size. 

I'm trying to understand how the binlog is writen and why is truncated the data in the event, but I don't for the moment. I thing the problem can be related to the size of the events, but I see events with much large size before the truncated event.

If you thing that I can do some kind of test to reproduce, plesase, let me know.

we have this related configuration:

max_allowed_packet         268435456
slave_max_allowed_packet  1073741824 
read_buffer_size              131072 

[14 Oct 2013 22:41] Ammon Sutherland
Had the same thing happen on 5.6.13 and the server did not crash, just decided to hate the binlog event (64 bit, RedHat 64 bit) showing the following in the error log:

 [ERROR] Error in Log_event::read_log_event(): 'read error', data_len: 441605216, event_type: -75

And the following in the binlog:

mysql> show binlog events in 'mysql-bin.000006' from 36621628\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
   Log_name: mysql-bin.000006
        Pos: 36621628
 Event_type: Incident
  Server_id: 24138
End_log_pos: 36621685
       Info: #1 (LOST_EVENTS)
*************************** 2. row ***************************
   Log_name: mysql-bin.000006
        Pos: 36621685
 Event_type: Rotate
  Server_id: 24138
End_log_pos: 36621732
       Info: mysql-bin.000007;pos=4
2 rows in set (0.01 sec)

or via mysqlbinlog -vv including event preceding:

#131011 14:55:08 server id 24138  end_log_pos 36621628 CRC32 0xe0d31eb5 	Xid = 5869167
# at 36621628
#131014 16:20:29 server id 24138  end_log_pos 36621685 CRC32 0x2ffe553b
# Incident: LOST_EVENTS
RELOAD DATABASE; # Shall generate syntax error
# at 36621685
#131014 16:20:29 server id 24138  end_log_pos 36621732 CRC32 0x05753ed0 	Rotate to mysql-bin.000007  pos: 4
# End of log file

Which also caused replication to stop on slaves with the following message:

Last_Error: The incident LOST_EVENTS occured on the master. Message: error writing to the binary log

binlog related variables which are not defaults:
binlog_format			= MIXED
log_slave_updates		= 1
log-bin                        = /var/lib/mysql/mysql-bin
expire-logs-days               = 14
sync-binlog                    = 1
transaction-isolation   = READ-COMMITTED
[13 Dec 2013 9:31] Juraj Blahunka
Having the same problem on Master server, error arises several times a day. Server produces around 1.6 GB of binlogs per day.

  5.6.12-log MySQL Community Server (GPL)
  Debian 7.1 64bit

Binlog related configuration:

  log-bin = mysql-bin
  gtid_mode = ON
  binlog_format = mixed
  binlog-do-db = db_example
  expire_logs_days = 10
  max_binlog_size = 200M
  sync_binlog = 1

Error message when trying to read binlog:

  $ mysqlbinlog mysql-bin.000123 > /dev/null
  ERROR: Error in Log_event::read_log_event(): 'read error', data_len: 134796079, event_type: 95
[13 Dec 2013 9:53] Juraj Blahunka
Last binlog event, which can be read looks like this:

  # at 148057369
  # at 148057401
  #131213  9:58:42 server id 10  end_log_pos 148057401 CRC32 0x3afff93e   Intvar
  SET INSERT_ID=273510630/*!*/;
  #131213  9:58:42 server id 10  end_log_pos 148057806 CRC32 0x0252aacc   Query   thread_id=144   exec_time=0     error_code=0
  SET TIMESTAMP=1386925122/*!*/;
  INSERT INTO some_table (day_id,date,other_id,other_id_2,val1,val2,val3,val4,val5,val6,val7,val8,val9,val10,val11,val12) VALUES (to_days('2013-12-13'),'2013-12-13 09:48:47',1887,12241,617.0,615.4,618.8,621.4,6p̪R!
  # End of log file
  ROLLBACK /* added by mysqlbinlog */;
[17 Dec 2013 9:40] MySQL Verification Team
Can you see if adding/changing the following options fixes the corruptions?

[18 Dec 2013 11:20] Juraj Blahunka
I've added "binlog-stmt-cache-size=1M" to the configuration. The other setting "binlog-rows-query-log-events=0" was already setup.

The error however repeated itself after ~1GB of binlogs again:

  $ mysqlbinlog mysql-bin.000160 > /dev/null
  ERROR: Error in Log_event::read_log_event(): 'Found invalid event in binary log', data_len: 655954, event_type: -80

last event (which looks damaged, similar to previous one):

  # at 49571780
  # at 49571812
  #131218 11:39:09 server id 10  end_log_pos 49571812 CRC32 0x74df969c    Intvar
  SET INSERT_ID=1386599027/*!*/;
  #131218 11:39:09 server id 10  end_log_pos 49572092 CRC32 0x00000027    Query   thread_id=1300  exec_time=0     error_code=0
  SET TIMESTAMP=1387363149/*!*/;
  INSERT INTO some_table (some_id,some_date,some_id_2,some_id_3,val1,val2,val3) VALUES (to_days('2013-12-18'),'2013-12-1M{<B1>R!
  # End of log file
  ROLLBACK /* added by mysqlbinlog */;

Most of the time, 4 threads are writing to Master, ~10-50 are reading, Master has enough free RAM and CPU averages at 10%
[1 Jan 2014 10:32] MySQL Verification Team
We should wait until this internal bug has been fixed to check if this fixes it.
[11 Apr 2014 9:06] Hartmut Holzgraefe
now that bug 17842137 is listed as fixed in the 5.6.16 changelog ... what about this bug? fixed by that or not?
[15 Apr 2014 11:56] Sveta Smirnova

please upgrade to latest version and check if fix for bug #17842137 fixed your issue too.

Hartmut, thank you for the reminder!
[16 May 2014 1:00] Bugs System
No feedback was provided for this bug for over a month, so it is
being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the
information that was originally requested, please do so and change
the status of the bug back to "Open".
[27 Jul 2014 18:18] Rohit Kalhans
We recently encountered a similar bug.  the partition of temp directory got full and we it lead to the corruption of binary log. Noteworthy is the fact that the partition on which the binary-logs are present still had enough space left. We are using MySQL 5.5.38 

Below is the output of mysqlbinlog on the corrupted binlog file.


The relevant  entries from the errorlog are attached..
[27 Jul 2014 18:18] Rohit Kalhans
retracted ErrorLog

Attachment: mysql-error_log_140727 copy.txt (text/plain), 4.75 KiB.

[29 Jul 2014 17:03] Sveta Smirnova

thank you for the feedback.

We suspect that this is same issue as fixed in bug #17842137 in versions 5.6.16 and up. Please try your case with version 5.6.16+ and inform us if problem still exists.
[30 Aug 2014 1:00] Bugs System
No feedback was provided for this bug for over a month, so it is
being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the
information that was originally requested, please do so and change
the status of the bug back to "Open".