Bug #69527 Please, expose information about MDL locks
Submitted: 20 Jun 2013 18:51 Modified: 3 Oct 2013 13:44
Reporter: Valeriy Kravchuk Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Performance Schema Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:5.6+ OS:Any
Assigned to: Marc ALFF CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: information_schema, lock, mdl

[20 Jun 2013 18:51] Valeriy Kravchuk
It seems there is no easy way now to find out easily what MDL locks are set in MySQL server and what sessions are waiting on what exact MDL lock.

Please, implement something to let DBAs get this information easily. It can be INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables (somewhat similar to INNODB_LOCKS and INNODB_LOCK_WAITS), some clearly documented PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA instruments or way of use, something like innodb_lock_monitor "fake" table to start regular debug outputs to the error log, or some plugin. Even extended mysqladmin debug output with list of MDL locks and lock requests per session/thread is better than nothing.

How to repeat:
Try to find out what exact session prevents getting metadata lock for another session, like in case when you see ALTER waiting on metadata lock and 100+ other sessions with active transactions not running any SQL statement at the moment, with most of them started before the blocked ALTER...
[20 Jun 2013 19:04] MySQL Verification Team
[20 Jun 2013 19:07] MySQL Verification Team
I find tha this is a well justified feature request.
[24 Jun 2013 22:12] Chris Calender
Yes, I agree, this is an excellent feature request!

I was about to open a similar request, but ran across this one.

My request was slightly more specific, but I feel this one would cover it, and more, so all the better.  However, please let me know if I should file a new feature request though.

At any rate, my specific request is to track the MDLs when MyISAM tables are involved.  Basically, it would be nice to know if a transaction is started at all, or at least if one is started *and* followed by a SELECT (or other command) on a MyISAM table (plus any InnoDB, of course, as is already done).  I say MyISAM though because if you start a transaction (START TRANSACTION, BEGIN, and SET AUTOCOMMIT=0) and follow it with a SELECT on any MyISAM table, after that, the table will be locked to other DDL statements until the transaction is committed (or ended).

Further, you will have no idea what transaction holds the lock, as nothing tracks it in this case - not SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST, mysqladmin debug output, INFORMATION_SCHEMA, SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS, InnoDB Lock Monitor, etc., not to mention one generally doesn't associate transactions with MyISAM tables anyway.
[3 Oct 2013 13:44] Marc ALFF
Implemented in 5.7.3, see the release notes:
