Bug #69027 Default secure_auth value breaking PHP connects
Submitted: 21 Apr 2013 21:54 Modified: 1 May 2013 14:07
Reporter: Jørgen Thomsen Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Options Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.6.11 OS:Linux
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: secure_auth

[21 Apr 2013 21:54] Jørgen Thomsen
The change of secure_auth from default off to on is breaking programs using libmysqlclient.so e.g. PHP

Apparently libmysqlclient is not reading the my.cnf settings

Currently connections to a remote server (out of my control) are not possible.
Using any of
in the [client] section of my.cnf is working fine when using the mysql program, but not using PHP

How to repeat:
Us a mysqli_connect from PHP to a remote server

Suggested fix:
Always use the my.cnf setting


  mysql->options.secure_auth= TRUE;
  mysql->options.secure_auth= FALSE;

mysql_init(MYSQL *mysql) 
was a quick fix.
[23 Apr 2013 9:57] Santi Saez
Same behavior here when upgrading from MySQL 5.6.10 to 5.6.11.

Not sure if it's a bug with pre-4.1.1 password hashes mangling on 5.6.11 or this release directly deprecates this feature.

FYI: if you need RPM packages for CentOS, I have just commited this patch that backports mysql_init() from 5.6.10 and will allow again old password hashes:

[30 Apr 2013 5:32] Todd Farmer
Two questions:

Is the remote server 5.6?

Have you tried using skip-secure-auth (instead of secure-auth=off) in the [client] section of the configuration file?
[30 Apr 2013 15:36] Jørgen Thomsen
The remote server is 5.1.39-log - FreeBSD port: mysql-server-5.1.39

mysqldump: unknown option '--skip-secure-auth'
[1 May 2013 4:47] Todd Farmer
It appears that the --skip-secure-auth option only exists for mysql, and not other libmysql-based clients (including mysqldump, for example):

C:\mysql-5.6.11-winx64>bin\mysqldump --skip-secure-auth
mysqldump: unknown option '--skip-secure-auth'

C:\mysql-5.6.11-winx64>bin\mysql --skip-secure-auth
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 4

Which would also explain behavior from other libmysql-dependent applications, such as PHP/mysqli.  Need to verify this in code, but it seems likely that this problem will affect all applications *other* than mysql which use libmysql from a 5.6 distribution.
[1 May 2013 14:06] Todd Farmer
The core problem in this bug is the same as bug#69051.  I'll mark this as a duplicate and update 69051.
[1 May 2013 14:07] Todd Farmer
Duplicate of Bug#69051.
[1 May 2013 15:24] Todd Farmer
The workaround ("solution", really) to this is to change the password for the affected user to a post-4.1 hash.  This is really a recommended best practice, regardless - password hashing and authorization process prior to 4.1 has notable security limitations (discussed in documentation at http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/password-hashing.html).
[5 Jun 2013 6:39] Santi Saez
MySQL 5.6.12 has still this bug: the server does not allow pre-4.1.1 password hashes although the server is started with "skip-secure-auth option".
[23 Nov 2013 12:16] Arek M
Proposed "change password to new hash" solution doesn't work if you still connect to mysql server 4.0 (and there are such setups out there).
[12 Feb 2015 16:43] Nic Sandfield
This bug is fixed by the patch attached to #75425.
At the time of writing, the future of that patch is unknown, but I recompiled my mysql incorporating the patch and it's doing the job (locally) well.