Bug #68102 Pressing "delete" when editing table columns removes table from diagram
Submitted: 16 Jan 2013 22:06 Modified: 19 Feb 2013 8:03
Reporter: Diogo Domanski Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: Modeling Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.2.45 OS:Linux (Ubuntu 12.10 64)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[16 Jan 2013 22:06] Diogo Domanski
On editing column name (at table's properties tab), the first time the "delete" key is pressed the current selected table is removed from the diagram. This causes the remove table to be placed into the diagram again.

How to repeat:
1. Launch MySQL Workbench
2. Create a new EER Model
3. Create a new table and place it in diagram
4. Double click the just created table
5. Select "Columns" tab
6. Click the "idtable1" to start editing column name
7. Press "delete" key (expecting to clear the column name). The table is remove from diagram...

Suggested fix:
In previous versions of MySQL Workbench, the "delete" key didn't remove elements from diagram.

There are two possible suggestions:
1. Make Workbench not remove elements from diagram on "delete" key pressing at any time (as the previous versions)
2. Ignore "delete" key events when editing texts at properties tab
[17 Jan 2013 17:26] Rafael Antonio Bedoy Torres
Verified on Ubuntu 12.
[31 Jan 2013 14:50] Matthew Peltzer
Im also seeing this on Windows 7 Enterprise
[2 Feb 2013 16:05] Adam Gray
This very annoying bug. I can confirm it on Win7 64bit Pro.

I`m downgrading to 5.2.44
[19 Feb 2013 8:03] Philip Olson
Fixed as of MySQL Workbench 5.2.47, and here's the changelog entry:

Pressing "Delete" would delete an object from an EER Model diagram. The
correct keyboard shortcut for this operation is "Modifier" + "Delete".
Simply pressing "Delete" will only delete the character to the right of
the cursor.

Thank you for the bug report.