Bug #64404 DB API Binary type should be bytes, not str for Python 3
Submitted: 22 Feb 2012 6:04 Modified: 24 Feb 2012 22:42
Reporter: Geert Vanderkelen Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:Connector / Python Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:0.3.2 OS:Any
Assigned to: Geert Vanderkelen CPU Architecture:Any

[22 Feb 2012 6:04] Geert Vanderkelen
The Binary-singleton defined in the module mysql.connector.dbapi should be bytes, not str for Python v3.x.

How to repeat:
shell> python3
>>> import mysql.connector
>>> mysql.connector.Binary
<class 'str'>

Suggested fix:
Change in python3/mysql/connector/dbapi.py:
  Binary = str
  Binary = bytes