1) where I was asked to create a separate report
When logging to files you may specify where log files are saved. On the opposite there is no way to specify a database for log tables. This is inconsistent. I also consider it a security flaw as long as "SHOW GRANTS requires the SELECT privilege for the mysql database." (and I will not be surprised if SELECT privilege for the mysql database is required for other operations as well).
You could very well have scenarios/deployments where users with SELECT privilege to the mysql database should not be allowed to read logs (because sensitive data may appear in logs).
How to repeat:
See above.
Suggested fix:
One of two (or both):
1) Make SHOW GRANTS dependent on SELECT to privileges *tables* only (and not to the mysql database per se)
2) Provide an option (and global_variable) that defines the database where table-based logs are stored.
(Setting as S2 - because that is my opinion and not S4! :-) )