Bug #63898 Using pkglib_DATA is invalid since automake 1.11.2
Submitted: 2 Jan 2012 17:33 Modified: 27 Jul 2012 7:55
Reporter: Thomas Dziedzic Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.2.37 OS:Linux (archlinux)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: pkglib_DATA automake 1.11.2 archlinux

[2 Jan 2012 17:33] Thomas Dziedzic
MySQL uses pkglib_DATA which is not valid since automake 1.11.2

This results in the following problem:
configure.in:374: the top level
generated/Makefile.am:34: `%'-style pattern rules are a GNU make extension
generated/Makefile.am:37: `%'-style pattern rules are a GNU make extension
library/forms/swig/Makefile.am:5: `pkglibdir' is not a legitimate directory for `DATA'
modules/wb.utils/Makefile.am:4: `pkglibdir' is not a legitimate directory for `DATA'
plugins/wb.admin/frontend/Makefile.am:4: `pkglibdir' is not a legitimate directory for `DATA'
plugins/wb.doclib/Makefile.am:4: `pkglibdir' is not a legitimate directory for `DATA'
make: *** [Makefile.in] Errore 1

How to repeat:
with automake 1.11.2 or greater

./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr --with-bundled-ctemplate --disable-debug --disable-static

Suggested fix:
Someone else suggested fixing this with the following command:

fgrep -rlZ pkglib_DATA --include Makefile.am . | xargs -0 sed -i 's/pkglib_DATA/pkgdata_DATA/g'
[4 Feb 2012 20:40] Remi Collet
I confirm that the proposed solution fixes the build with automake 1.11.3 (and doesn't seems to break the build with previous version)
[27 Jul 2012 7:55] Philip Olson
Fixed as of Workbench 5.2.41, and here's the changelog entry:

MySQL Workbench would fail to compile with automake 1.11.2 or
greater, due to the pkglib_DATA reference.