Bug #61177 Upgrade from 5.5.11 to 5.5.12 fails
Submitted: 14 May 2011 12:43 Modified: 15 May 2011 21:48
Reporter: Anthony Marston Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Installing Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.5.12 OS:Windows (XP SP3)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[14 May 2011 12:43] Anthony Marston
I have just upgraded from 5.5.11 to 5.5.12 without changing any options or settings. The software upgrade worked without problem, but I found the following errors:

1) After updating the software the Instance Configuration Wizard was supposed to start automatically, but it did not.
2) I started the ICW manually and hit 'Next' on every screen, but when it came to updating the server instance it complained that 'mysql' was already in use and should be removed first.
3) There was no method available to the delete the current instance, so I had to uninstall 5.5.11 completely before I could install 5.5.12 and create the server instance.
4) After creating the server instance I opened up MySQL Administrator only to discover that all my users and databases had disappeared. 

The only way I could recover my users and databases was to shutdown the server instance, replace the 'mysql' database with a backup copy, then restart the server instance.

I have had similar problems with every release of 5.5, but NEVER with any previous release (and I have been using MySQL for over 10 years).

How to repeat:
Install 5.5.11 and create both users and databases.

Set the program path to "f:/Mysql/MySQL Server 5.5"

Set the data path to "f:/Mysql/MySQL Server 5.5/data"

Set the admin user and password to non-blank values.

Try to upgrade to 5.5.12 and watch it fail miserably.
[14 May 2011 13:55] Valeriy Kravchuk
Looks like a duplicate of Bug #61093 to some extent. Please, check.
[15 May 2011 14:50] Anthony Marston
Yes, my item #4 does look like a duplicate of Bug #61093, but that still leaves items 1,2 and 3.
[15 May 2011 21:48] MySQL Verification Team
Related to bug: http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=61093.