Bug #55654 VS2010 integration error: SetSite failed for package [MySQL Connector Net 6.3.3]
Submitted: 30 Jul 2010 18:19 Modified: 30 Jul 2010 18:26
Reporter: Holger Mueller Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:Connector / NET Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:6.3.3 OS:Windows (Windows 7 x86 Home Premium German)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: VS2010 integration SetSite failed

[30 Jul 2010 18:19] Holger Mueller
I set up a fresh clean installation (in vmware) of:
 - Win7 32-bit German Home Premium
 - Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate RTM German
 - Connector/NET 6.3.3
Then run VS2010 and choose Help / Info to display installed packages.
Error message:
>Das "MySql Connector Net 6.3.3"-Paket wurde nicht ordnungsgemäß geladen.<

Same Message appears when I try to open a file with the '.mysql' extension from within VS.

After that I checked the ActivityLog.xml to see the following messages:
>181 ERROR SetSite failed for package [MySQL Connector Net 6.3.3] {79A115C9-B133-4891-9E7B-242509DAD272} 80004003 - E_POINTER VisualStudio 2010/07/30 18:08:35.198 
>182 ERROR End package load [MySQL Connector Net 6.3.3] {79A115C9-B133-4891-9E7B-242509DAD272} 80004003 - E_POINTER VisualStudio 

(can send complete xml-file on request)


How to repeat:
see above

Suggested fix:
no idea :(
[30 Jul 2010 18:22] Holger Mueller
Seems like there was someone faster: Duplicate of bug #55623. please delete this one.
[30 Jul 2010 18:26] MySQL Verification Team
See last comment.